Life Groups provide a weekly, small-group Bible study experience where people gather together for study, fellowship, and encouragement. It is a place where people come together to experience the joy of following Christ and experiencing real life together. Each week, teachers and leaders work diligently to provide an environment where you can develop friendships, find encouragement, strength, and support.

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Current Life Groups

Click the link below to learn more about the currently Life Groups meeting on Sundays!

Become a Life Group Leader

Interested in leading a Life Group? Email Pastor Matthew for more information!

Sign up for a Life Group

We'd love to get you connected to a life group. Fill out the form below to get started.

Life Groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place on Sundays at 9:00 AM, with a few opportunities on weeknights. Fill out the form below, and a member of our team will contact you!