Facility Request Process

All requests must be received in the Church Office at least 7 working days prior to event. The Church Office will contact you to confirm your event. By clicking submit you agree that any event is subject to change for any reason. Event requests are also subject to approval by the Church Office. For specific questions, please email Cheri at cherib@sbcwr.org.
Please Note: If your event is not a Second Baptist Church event, please email cherib@sbcwr.org to receive an Event Reservation Form. Your event will not be confirmed until you receive confirmation from the church. Thank you!

Please indicate the quantity of the supplies needed below.

By submitting this form, you agree to send a diagram of the room set up at least one week prior to the event. Please email the Church Office at info@sbcwr.org a diagram of the room set up for your event, or drop it by the Church Office during business hours. We are open Monday–Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.