Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
These words were not just a commission for those who heard it that day, but for all followers of Jesus Christ. They provide a mandate for the church to reach the lost and teach the converted to become devoted disciples of the Lord Jesus. Jesus additionally gave these first disciples a plan for accomplishing the assigned mission in Acts 1:8. At Second, our goal is to help others find and follow Jesus. If you're interested in volunteering in a local or global capacity, click the button below!
More About Missions
Love Where You Live
Love Where You Live is our way of intentionally loving on Middle Georgia through service projects. We want to enable our church to serve well while sharing the gospel with our community. Throughout the year, we will host Love Where You Live opportunities for you to be a part!
Mission 1:8 Team
The Mission 1:8 Team is tasked with the responsibility of leading Second Baptist Church to practically and tangibly flesh out its comprehensive missions strategy. This team includes both pastoral staff and lay leaders working together to lead us in making both a local and global impact with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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From Our Neighbors to the Nations