“After this Jesus revealed Himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias, and He revealed Himself in this way. Simon Peter, Thomas (called the Twin), Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. Simon Peter said to them, ‘I am going fishing.’ They said to him, ‘We will go with you.’ They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.” - John 21:1-3 ESV
Just over one week ago, most of us celebrated one of the most anticipated reveals of the year. We sat around a Christmas tree in matching pajamas and opened gifts. When we tore open the wrapping it revealed the gift that had been sitting under the tree. Some of those gifts were purchased months ago and some were purchased the night before. The gift was ours but wasn’t useful until we opened it and revealed what it was.
In John 21, Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples again. His gift that day was to show them more about His loving nature and to show them more about the fresh start and purpose He had for them. He revealed Himself in almost the same way He did the first time. He revealed Himself to them after they had an exhausting night of fruitless fishing. In the middle of an ordinary day of frustration, He shows up and blesses them more than they anticipated.
It is a gift when God shows up in our ordinary day and does the extraordinary. It feels even more like a gift when He shows up and affirms us after what may seem like a season of failure. No matter how your 2023 ended, it is a fact that God desires to give you the gift of revealing His love, presence, and provision in your life.
Praise God for the ways He revealed Himself to you in 2023. Start 2024 by asking God to show you more of Him and to show you more of His purpose for your life.
Just over one week ago, most of us celebrated one of the most anticipated reveals of the year. We sat around a Christmas tree in matching pajamas and opened gifts. When we tore open the wrapping it revealed the gift that had been sitting under the tree. Some of those gifts were purchased months ago and some were purchased the night before. The gift was ours but wasn’t useful until we opened it and revealed what it was.
In John 21, Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples again. His gift that day was to show them more about His loving nature and to show them more about the fresh start and purpose He had for them. He revealed Himself in almost the same way He did the first time. He revealed Himself to them after they had an exhausting night of fruitless fishing. In the middle of an ordinary day of frustration, He shows up and blesses them more than they anticipated.
It is a gift when God shows up in our ordinary day and does the extraordinary. It feels even more like a gift when He shows up and affirms us after what may seem like a season of failure. No matter how your 2023 ended, it is a fact that God desires to give you the gift of revealing His love, presence, and provision in your life.
Praise God for the ways He revealed Himself to you in 2023. Start 2024 by asking God to show you more of Him and to show you more of His purpose for your life.
“ He said to them, ‘Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.’” - John 21:3 ESV
Nicky Gumbel, in his book Questions of Life, compares prayer to a visit to the doctor. He writes, “Suppose I go to the doctor and say, ‘Doctor, I have a number of problems: I have a problem of fungus growing under my toenails, I have piles, my eyes itch, I need a flu jab; I have very bad backaches and I have tennis elbow.’ Then, having got through my list of complaints, I look at my watch and say, ‘Goodness me, time is getting on. Well, I must be off. Thanks very much for listening.’ The doctor might want to say, ‘Hang on a second. Why don’t you listen to me?’ If whenever we pray we only speak to God and never take time to listen, we make the same mistake.”
In John 21, Jesus told the disciples to put their fishing nets back in the water on the right side of the boat. At that point, they could have dismissed His words as impractical and irrelevant or taken the time to listen. They choose to listen. The word “obedience,” comes from the Latin obaudire, which means “to hear.” By contrast, the Latin word for “deaf” is absurdus, from which we get our word “absurd.” To truly hear Christ is to obey Him; not to hear and obey is the way of absurdity in living.
God speaks to us through His Creation, His Word, circumstances, other people, and prayer. We should treat prayer for what it is, a two-way conversation with God, and learn to be quiet long enough for him to get a word in edgeways. Can you remember anything God told you in 2023? How did He tell you? What regular time do you have set aside to listen to God?
Reading the book of Proverbs is a great way to get wisdom from God. A good habit is to read daily the Proverb that corresponds to the day of the month. For instance, today is January 2nd. Read Proverbs 2 and ask God to speak to you.
Nicky Gumbel, in his book Questions of Life, compares prayer to a visit to the doctor. He writes, “Suppose I go to the doctor and say, ‘Doctor, I have a number of problems: I have a problem of fungus growing under my toenails, I have piles, my eyes itch, I need a flu jab; I have very bad backaches and I have tennis elbow.’ Then, having got through my list of complaints, I look at my watch and say, ‘Goodness me, time is getting on. Well, I must be off. Thanks very much for listening.’ The doctor might want to say, ‘Hang on a second. Why don’t you listen to me?’ If whenever we pray we only speak to God and never take time to listen, we make the same mistake.”
In John 21, Jesus told the disciples to put their fishing nets back in the water on the right side of the boat. At that point, they could have dismissed His words as impractical and irrelevant or taken the time to listen. They choose to listen. The word “obedience,” comes from the Latin obaudire, which means “to hear.” By contrast, the Latin word for “deaf” is absurdus, from which we get our word “absurd.” To truly hear Christ is to obey Him; not to hear and obey is the way of absurdity in living.
God speaks to us through His Creation, His Word, circumstances, other people, and prayer. We should treat prayer for what it is, a two-way conversation with God, and learn to be quiet long enough for him to get a word in edgeways. Can you remember anything God told you in 2023? How did He tell you? What regular time do you have set aside to listen to God?
Reading the book of Proverbs is a great way to get wisdom from God. A good habit is to read daily the Proverb that corresponds to the day of the month. For instance, today is January 2nd. Read Proverbs 2 and ask God to speak to you.
“So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish.” - John 21:6 ESV
Old Pete had a knack for catching fish. Every weekend, Old Pete went fishing and returned with dozens of fish. Nobody knew how he did it. When other fishermen were unable to land more than three or four, Old Pete always came back with stringer after stringer of freshly caught fish. Curious, the Fish and Game warden decided to investigate. He followed Old Pete out to the lake, and when he launched his boat at the dock, the warden asked if he could ride along and observe. “Sure,” said Old Pete. “Hop in.” Old Pete started up his outboard motor.
Reaching into a box, Pete pulled out a stick of dynamite, lit it, and tossed it into the water. After the explosion dead fish soon started rising to the surface. Old Pete took out a net and started scooping them up. “Wait a minute!” said the warden. “What do you think you’re doing? You can’t do that! I’ll put you in jail, buddy!” Old Pete calmly put down his net, picked up a second stick of dynamite, lit it, and tossed it in the warden’s lap. “So are you gonna sit there criticizing me all day,” he asked the panicked warden, “or are you gonna fish?”
There are times in life when we should sit around discussing and other times when we should be doing. Once God has clearly spoken and given us directions, it is time to start doing. We don’t have to do it in our own strength because if God told us to do it He will give us the strength to do it. God told the disciples to fish in John 21 and they did.
Is there anything you already know God wants you to do differently in 2024?
Ask God to light a fire in you when it's time to get to work on what He has asked you to do.
Old Pete had a knack for catching fish. Every weekend, Old Pete went fishing and returned with dozens of fish. Nobody knew how he did it. When other fishermen were unable to land more than three or four, Old Pete always came back with stringer after stringer of freshly caught fish. Curious, the Fish and Game warden decided to investigate. He followed Old Pete out to the lake, and when he launched his boat at the dock, the warden asked if he could ride along and observe. “Sure,” said Old Pete. “Hop in.” Old Pete started up his outboard motor.
Reaching into a box, Pete pulled out a stick of dynamite, lit it, and tossed it into the water. After the explosion dead fish soon started rising to the surface. Old Pete took out a net and started scooping them up. “Wait a minute!” said the warden. “What do you think you’re doing? You can’t do that! I’ll put you in jail, buddy!” Old Pete calmly put down his net, picked up a second stick of dynamite, lit it, and tossed it in the warden’s lap. “So are you gonna sit there criticizing me all day,” he asked the panicked warden, “or are you gonna fish?”
There are times in life when we should sit around discussing and other times when we should be doing. Once God has clearly spoken and given us directions, it is time to start doing. We don’t have to do it in our own strength because if God told us to do it He will give us the strength to do it. God told the disciples to fish in John 21 and they did.
Is there anything you already know God wants you to do differently in 2024?
Ask God to light a fire in you when it's time to get to work on what He has asked you to do.
“When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?’ He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’” - John 21:15 ESV
Billy Bob goes to a diner for breakfast, buys a coffee and sits down to drink it. He looks at the side of his cup and finds a peel-off prize. He pulls off the tab and yells, "I WON! I WON a motorhome!" The waitress looks at the owner wide-eyed, knowing that the biggest prize given away is a bicycle. They both approach Billy Bob saying, "You couldn’t possibly have won a motorhome because we don’t offer that as a prize!" Billy Bob replies, "Nope, no mistake, I WON a motorhome!" He hands the prize ticket to the manager which reads, "WIN A BAGEL."
Most of us have never won a bagel or a Winnebago. And we all know what it feels like to lose. In John 21, Jesus invited a bunch of guys who had failed Him to breakfast. And Peter had not only denied that He knew Jesus, He had cursed the fact someone insinuated that He did. At this seaside breakfast, Peter would humbly affirm his flawed love for Jesus by using the word “phileo” to describe his love for Jesus. “Phileo” is a brotherly affection but not “agape” which is perfect love. And that “phileo” kind of love was enough.
No matter what your failures of 2023 were, Jesus loves you, Jesus will forgive you, and Jesus invites you to dine with Him in intimacy. The question for us is, “Do we love Him?” Is there anything in your life that would cause God to doubt your love for Him?
Ask God to grow your understanding of how much He loves you. Ask God to grow your love for Him.
Billy Bob goes to a diner for breakfast, buys a coffee and sits down to drink it. He looks at the side of his cup and finds a peel-off prize. He pulls off the tab and yells, "I WON! I WON a motorhome!" The waitress looks at the owner wide-eyed, knowing that the biggest prize given away is a bicycle. They both approach Billy Bob saying, "You couldn’t possibly have won a motorhome because we don’t offer that as a prize!" Billy Bob replies, "Nope, no mistake, I WON a motorhome!" He hands the prize ticket to the manager which reads, "WIN A BAGEL."
Most of us have never won a bagel or a Winnebago. And we all know what it feels like to lose. In John 21, Jesus invited a bunch of guys who had failed Him to breakfast. And Peter had not only denied that He knew Jesus, He had cursed the fact someone insinuated that He did. At this seaside breakfast, Peter would humbly affirm his flawed love for Jesus by using the word “phileo” to describe his love for Jesus. “Phileo” is a brotherly affection but not “agape” which is perfect love. And that “phileo” kind of love was enough.
No matter what your failures of 2023 were, Jesus loves you, Jesus will forgive you, and Jesus invites you to dine with Him in intimacy. The question for us is, “Do we love Him?” Is there anything in your life that would cause God to doubt your love for Him?
Ask God to grow your understanding of how much He loves you. Ask God to grow your love for Him.
“He said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’” - John 21:15 ESV
A guy is caught by a ranger eating a Bald Eagle and is consequently put in jail for the crime. On the day of his trial, the conversation went something like this:
Judge: "Do you know that eating a Bald Eagle is a federal offense? "Man: "Yes, I did. But if you let me argue my case, I'll explain what happened." Judge: "Proceed." Man: "I got lost in the woods. I hadn't had anything to eat for two weeks. I was so hungry. The next thing I see is a Bald Eagle swooping down at the lake for some fish. I knew that if I followed the eagle I could maybe steal the fish. Unfortunately, in the process of taking the fish, I killed the eagle. I figured that since I killed the eagle I might as well eat it since it would be more disgraceful to let it rot on the ground." Judge: "The court will take a recess while we analyze your testimony." 15 minutes go by and the judge returns. Judge: "Due to the extreme circumstance you were under and because you didn't intend to kill the eagle, the court will dismiss the charges. But if you don't mind the court asking, what does a Bald Eagle taste like?" Man: "Well, your honor, it is hard to explain. The best I can describe it is maybe kind of between a California Condor and a Spotted Owl."
People are starving spiritually and God wants to use us to feed them. God doesn’t want us to feed them animals on the endangered species list but He does want us to feed them truth through our words and our deeds. After Peter humbly affirmed his flawed love for Jesus, Jesus commissioned him to go and serve God’s people.
Write down or make a note of the people in your life who you think are starving the most for God.
Ask God how He wants to use you to help feed the people on your list. Pray for each of those people by name.
A guy is caught by a ranger eating a Bald Eagle and is consequently put in jail for the crime. On the day of his trial, the conversation went something like this:
Judge: "Do you know that eating a Bald Eagle is a federal offense? "Man: "Yes, I did. But if you let me argue my case, I'll explain what happened." Judge: "Proceed." Man: "I got lost in the woods. I hadn't had anything to eat for two weeks. I was so hungry. The next thing I see is a Bald Eagle swooping down at the lake for some fish. I knew that if I followed the eagle I could maybe steal the fish. Unfortunately, in the process of taking the fish, I killed the eagle. I figured that since I killed the eagle I might as well eat it since it would be more disgraceful to let it rot on the ground." Judge: "The court will take a recess while we analyze your testimony." 15 minutes go by and the judge returns. Judge: "Due to the extreme circumstance you were under and because you didn't intend to kill the eagle, the court will dismiss the charges. But if you don't mind the court asking, what does a Bald Eagle taste like?" Man: "Well, your honor, it is hard to explain. The best I can describe it is maybe kind of between a California Condor and a Spotted Owl."
People are starving spiritually and God wants to use us to feed them. God doesn’t want us to feed them animals on the endangered species list but He does want us to feed them truth through our words and our deeds. After Peter humbly affirmed his flawed love for Jesus, Jesus commissioned him to go and serve God’s people.
Write down or make a note of the people in your life who you think are starving the most for God.
Ask God how He wants to use you to help feed the people on your list. Pray for each of those people by name.
Posted in Guest Speakers
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