Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. - John 20:14 ESV
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter
A young man who took a shortcut home one night through a cemetery. He fell into an open grave. He tried to get out but couldn’t. He yelled and screamed but it was to no avail. He finally concluded that he needed to wait until the morning so he settled in for the night. He went to sleep.
Later that evening, another person was taking a shortcut through the cemetery. He too fell in the open grave. He started to claw and scratch. He shouted as loud as he could but it was to no avail. Suddenly, the first man who had fallen into the grave woke up and in the darkness tapped the man who was scratching and clawing and said, “You can’t get out of here.” You know what? He found a way out!
You don’t expect to see dead people alive in a cemetery. In John 20:14, Mary stands outside the tomb of Jesus and turns around and sees Jesus. She simply doesn’t realize it’s Jesus because she’s not expecting to see Him. It’s not until He calls her by name that she recognizes His voice. What a beautiful and tender moment. Mary almost missed Easter along with all the other disciples.
If it wasn’t for Jesus calling us to salvation, we would all miss Easter. When did you first sense Jesus calling you to believe in the resurrection?
Praise Jesus as your resurrected Savior. Thank Jesus for calling you by name.
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter
A young man who took a shortcut home one night through a cemetery. He fell into an open grave. He tried to get out but couldn’t. He yelled and screamed but it was to no avail. He finally concluded that he needed to wait until the morning so he settled in for the night. He went to sleep.
Later that evening, another person was taking a shortcut through the cemetery. He too fell in the open grave. He started to claw and scratch. He shouted as loud as he could but it was to no avail. Suddenly, the first man who had fallen into the grave woke up and in the darkness tapped the man who was scratching and clawing and said, “You can’t get out of here.” You know what? He found a way out!
You don’t expect to see dead people alive in a cemetery. In John 20:14, Mary stands outside the tomb of Jesus and turns around and sees Jesus. She simply doesn’t realize it’s Jesus because she’s not expecting to see Him. It’s not until He calls her by name that she recognizes His voice. What a beautiful and tender moment. Mary almost missed Easter along with all the other disciples.
If it wasn’t for Jesus calling us to salvation, we would all miss Easter. When did you first sense Jesus calling you to believe in the resurrection?
Praise Jesus as your resurrected Savior. Thank Jesus for calling you by name.
On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” - John 20:19 ESV
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter: Jesus Can Give You Peace
One Easter morning, a woman was on her way to church when her car broke down. Not wanting to be late for the special service, she ordered an Uber to pick her up. The car arrived, and she quickly jumped in the back. Halfway through the ride, she asked the driver a question, but the driver didn’t respond. So she leaned forward and tapped the driver on the arm. The driver let out a loud scream, swerved into the other lane, almost hit another car, slammed on the brakes, and skidded over to the shoulder. The woman and driver sat in silence for a minute from the shock of what had just happened. Finally, she said apologetically, “Wow, I’m so sorry. I had no idea that tapping your shoulder would alarm you like that.” “No, you really didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that it’s my first day driving an Uber. You see, for the past 25 years, I’ve been driving a hearse.”
On the first Easter, the disciples were living in fear. They were afraid of the Jews coming to kill them. They had killed Jesus and likely feared they were next. Jesus entered the room and brought the peace of God with Him. The locked doors could not give them peace. Only Jesus could give them peace. He brought them peace with God and peace with the circumstances they were facing.
What are some of the fears you are facing? How can you apply the peace of Easter to those fears?
Thank God for the peace that the presence of Jesus brings into your life. Ask Jesus to calm any fears you have about the future.
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter: Jesus Can Give You Peace
One Easter morning, a woman was on her way to church when her car broke down. Not wanting to be late for the special service, she ordered an Uber to pick her up. The car arrived, and she quickly jumped in the back. Halfway through the ride, she asked the driver a question, but the driver didn’t respond. So she leaned forward and tapped the driver on the arm. The driver let out a loud scream, swerved into the other lane, almost hit another car, slammed on the brakes, and skidded over to the shoulder. The woman and driver sat in silence for a minute from the shock of what had just happened. Finally, she said apologetically, “Wow, I’m so sorry. I had no idea that tapping your shoulder would alarm you like that.” “No, you really didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that it’s my first day driving an Uber. You see, for the past 25 years, I’ve been driving a hearse.”
On the first Easter, the disciples were living in fear. They were afraid of the Jews coming to kill them. They had killed Jesus and likely feared they were next. Jesus entered the room and brought the peace of God with Him. The locked doors could not give them peace. Only Jesus could give them peace. He brought them peace with God and peace with the circumstances they were facing.
What are some of the fears you are facing? How can you apply the peace of Easter to those fears?
Thank God for the peace that the presence of Jesus brings into your life. Ask Jesus to calm any fears you have about the future.
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” - John 20:21 ESV
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter: Jesus Can Give You Purpose
Our Daily Bread described a small village in Paraguay, South America named Cateura. An impoverished area where the villagers survive by recycling items from its rubbish dump. The village is built on a landfill. Something beautiful has emerged in Cateura. An orchestra called the Landfill Harmonic. With a violin costing more than a house, the orchestra had to get creative, crafting its own instruments from their garbage. Violins are made from oil cans with bent forks for keys. Cellos are made from tin drums with tiny wooden rollers for tuning pegs. The director of this orchestra: Favio Chavez, is quoted as saying, “The world sends us garbage, We send back music.” This is symbolic of what God has done for us through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Satan and the Jewish leaders of the day tried to destroy Jesus and Christianity. But Jesus turned the worst day, the crucifixion, into the most beautiful message the world has ever heard. After the resurrection, Jesus sent the disciples out to spread the good news of salvation through faith in Christ.
Jesus can take the mess of our lives and turn them into beautiful stories of redemption. How would you explain the difference Jesus had made with your mess to someone who doesn’t know Christ?
Praise God for transforming your heart and allowing you to be an ambassador for Him. Ask God to give you greater clarity about where He wants to use you next.
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter: Jesus Can Give You Purpose
Our Daily Bread described a small village in Paraguay, South America named Cateura. An impoverished area where the villagers survive by recycling items from its rubbish dump. The village is built on a landfill. Something beautiful has emerged in Cateura. An orchestra called the Landfill Harmonic. With a violin costing more than a house, the orchestra had to get creative, crafting its own instruments from their garbage. Violins are made from oil cans with bent forks for keys. Cellos are made from tin drums with tiny wooden rollers for tuning pegs. The director of this orchestra: Favio Chavez, is quoted as saying, “The world sends us garbage, We send back music.” This is symbolic of what God has done for us through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Satan and the Jewish leaders of the day tried to destroy Jesus and Christianity. But Jesus turned the worst day, the crucifixion, into the most beautiful message the world has ever heard. After the resurrection, Jesus sent the disciples out to spread the good news of salvation through faith in Christ.
Jesus can take the mess of our lives and turn them into beautiful stories of redemption. How would you explain the difference Jesus had made with your mess to someone who doesn’t know Christ?
Praise God for transforming your heart and allowing you to be an ambassador for Him. Ask God to give you greater clarity about where He wants to use you next.
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. - John 20:22 ESV
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter: Jesus Can Give You Power
In Bill Moyer's book A World of Ideas II, Jacob Needleman remembers: "I was an observer at the launch of Apollo 17 in 1975. It was a night launch, and there were hundreds of cynical reporters all over the lawn, drinking beer, wisecracking, and waiting for this 35-story-high rocket. "The countdown came, and then the launch. The first thing you see is the extraordinary orange light, which is just at the limit of what you can bear to look at. Everything is illuminated with this light. Then comes this thing slowly rising up in total silence, because it takes a few seconds for the sound to come across. You hear a WHOOOOOSH! HHHHMMMM! It enters right into you. "You can practically hear jaws dropping. The sense of wonder fills everyone in the whole place, as this thing goes up and up.
The resurrection was a picture of the awe-inspiring power of God. Now, in John 20, Jesus sends the disciples out to tell others and breaths into them the power of the Holy Spirit. Much like astronauts can’t get into space without a rocket, Christians can’t fulfill our mission without the Holy Spirit.
What is the most powerful physical event you have ever witnessed? What is the most powerful spiritual event you have ever witnessed?
Thank God for the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pray that God’s power in you would be evident to those around you and it would bring glory to God.
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter: Jesus Can Give You Power
In Bill Moyer's book A World of Ideas II, Jacob Needleman remembers: "I was an observer at the launch of Apollo 17 in 1975. It was a night launch, and there were hundreds of cynical reporters all over the lawn, drinking beer, wisecracking, and waiting for this 35-story-high rocket. "The countdown came, and then the launch. The first thing you see is the extraordinary orange light, which is just at the limit of what you can bear to look at. Everything is illuminated with this light. Then comes this thing slowly rising up in total silence, because it takes a few seconds for the sound to come across. You hear a WHOOOOOSH! HHHHMMMM! It enters right into you. "You can practically hear jaws dropping. The sense of wonder fills everyone in the whole place, as this thing goes up and up.
The resurrection was a picture of the awe-inspiring power of God. Now, in John 20, Jesus sends the disciples out to tell others and breaths into them the power of the Holy Spirit. Much like astronauts can’t get into space without a rocket, Christians can’t fulfill our mission without the Holy Spirit.
What is the most powerful physical event you have ever witnessed? What is the most powerful spiritual event you have ever witnessed?
Thank God for the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pray that God’s power in you would be evident to those around you and it would bring glory to God.
Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” - John 20:28-29 ESV
If You Miss Easter, You Miss an Experience in Faith
A husband and his wife arose one Sunday morning and the wife dressed for church. It was just about time for the service when she noticed her husband hadn't moved a finger toward getting dressed. Perplexed, she asked, "Why aren't you getting dressed for church?" He said, "Cause I don't want to go." She asked, "Do you have any reason?" He said, "Yes, I have three good reasons. First, the congregation is cold. Second, no one likes me. And third, I just don't want to go." The wife replied, wisely, "Well, honey, I have three reasons why you should go. First, the congregation is warm. Second, there are a few people there who like you. And third, you're the pastor! So get dressed!
Doubting Thomas missed church. When Jesus first appeared to the disciples Thomas wasn’t there. However, eight days later, Jesus reappeared and restored the faith of Thomas. Jesus grew the faith of His followers by letting Mary hear Him, the disciples see Him, and Thomas touch Him.
C.S. Lewis in, A Grief Observed wrote - You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death!
It is easy to say you believe a rope to be strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice. Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?
Thank God for revealing Himself to you through Jesus Christ. Ask God to grow your faith so that you trust Him even when you can’t see Him.
If You Miss Easter, You Miss an Experience in Faith
A husband and his wife arose one Sunday morning and the wife dressed for church. It was just about time for the service when she noticed her husband hadn't moved a finger toward getting dressed. Perplexed, she asked, "Why aren't you getting dressed for church?" He said, "Cause I don't want to go." She asked, "Do you have any reason?" He said, "Yes, I have three good reasons. First, the congregation is cold. Second, no one likes me. And third, I just don't want to go." The wife replied, wisely, "Well, honey, I have three reasons why you should go. First, the congregation is warm. Second, there are a few people there who like you. And third, you're the pastor! So get dressed!
Doubting Thomas missed church. When Jesus first appeared to the disciples Thomas wasn’t there. However, eight days later, Jesus reappeared and restored the faith of Thomas. Jesus grew the faith of His followers by letting Mary hear Him, the disciples see Him, and Thomas touch Him.
C.S. Lewis in, A Grief Observed wrote - You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death!
It is easy to say you believe a rope to be strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice. Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?
Thank God for revealing Himself to you through Jesus Christ. Ask God to grow your faith so that you trust Him even when you can’t see Him.
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