May 20-24


Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them. -  Matthew 14:22-24 ESV

Steppin’ Out of the Boat: Being Uncomfortable for the Kingdom
Many years ago, Margaret Sangster reportedly told a story to a large gathering of people. She worked in an inner city day school. A little boy with a twisted body, hand, and right leg was in that school. With the help of a doctor and banker, she got him operations which helped him to walk, run, and play. She asked the group if they could guess where he was at that very moment. Some guessed he was a doctor, a lawyer, or a preacher. She said that he was in prison for a heinous crime. She said, "We taught him how to walk, but not where to walk."

In Matthew 14:22-24, Jesus knew that it was time to teach the disciples how to walk with Him by making them uncomfortable. After feeding the 5,000, Jesus made the disciples get in the boat and leave. “Made” means He compelled or forced the disciples. This would strongly suggest that the disciples did not want to leave Him at this time. It would have been easy for them to stay and bask in the popularity and praise of the miracle. Jesus knew it was time to leave and that meant life was about to get uncomfortable.

Pastor Wes challenged our graduates Sunday to be willing to leave their comfort zones to follow God’s plan for their lives. Is there anything God has asked you to do lately that meant leaving your comfort zone? How did you respond?

Praise God for getting you through some hard times and the ways it made you stronger. Ask God to make his will clear if there are any difficult decisions you need to make.


And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”  - Matthew 14:25-27 ESV

Steppin’ Out of the Boat: A Scary Place
A farmer was sitting in a country store when a stranger struck up a conversation with him. The stranger asked, "How's your wheat coming along?" The farmer replied, "Didn't plant none." "Really?” the stranger asked, “I thought this was good wheat country." The farmer said, "Yep, but I was afraid it wouldn't rain." The stranger asked, "Oh. Well, how's your corn crop?" "Ain't got none," said the farmer. The stranger was surprised and asked, "Didn't you plant any corn, either?" "Nope, 'fraid of corn blight." "For heaven's sake," said the stranger. "What did you plant?" “Nothin'," said the farmer. "I've just played it safe." (Mike Minnix)

You can’t play it safe and walk with God at the same time. Jesus undoubtedly knew that a storm was brewing. This storm came because they were right where God wanted them to be and God had a plan. Sometimes being in the center of God’s will can be a scary place. God allows 2 kinds of storms: First, storms of correction -  When God disciplines us because of disobedience; Second, storms of perfection - When God helps us grow. Jesus used the storm of Matthew 14 to perfect the faith of the disciples.

Do you think the last storm you went through or that you are currently in is a storm of correction or a storm of perfection?

Thank God for always having a plan and showing up in the middle of your storms. Ask God to help your storms not be wasted opportunities for correction or perfection in your faith.


And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. - Matthew 14:28-29 ESV

Steppin’ Out of the Boat: Great Faith
One of the great American naval vessels destroyed in World War II was the Wasp. Not until it became apparent that the flames had spread beyond hope of control was the order finally given to abandon ship. A surviving officer, Lieutenant Bodell, later said, "I climbed down the cargo net and dropped off into the water. Then I saw my first sign of panic, because some of those `green kids' had no trust in their lifejackets, and instead of getting clear of the ship, were clinging to its plates by their fingertips — the worst thing you can do."

Anybody can sit in the boat and watch, it takes faith to leave the boat. Peter was so impetuous. He was a mixture of great faith and great doubt. Note the "if" which might suggest a hint of doubt. At the same, Peter showed great faith.  Peter makes a bold request and Jesus gives a gracious invitation to “Come.” As far as we know, Peter is the only human to ever walk on water.

Sometimes we play it safe and cling to things that make us feel safe and comfortable when God is calling us to get out on the water and trust Him. What are some things that you may cling to for comfort?

Praise God for His ability and desire to do God-sized things in and through your life. Ask God to show you anything you may be unnecessarily clinging to that is keeping you from experiencing His best.


But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” - Matthew 14:30-31 ESV

Steppin’ Out of the Boat: That Sinking Feeling
Lloyd Douglas tells of going to see a famous old man who taught violin lessons. He asked the teacher, "What is the good news today?" The old man picked up a tuning fork and stuck it with a padded mallet and a beautiful note filled the room. The old man said, "You hear that? That is an A note. It was an A note yesterday. It will be an A note tomorrow. It is unchanging.

One of the lessons of Matthew 14 is that Jesus can always be trusted to save us when we cry out for help. Peter has a momentary fear that causes him to doubt and call out to Jesus for rescue. Peter began to sink when he took his focus off Jesus and focused on the storm. Jesus immediately saves Peter and gives Peter a gentle rebuke. Our graduates will have moments of doubt as they get out of the boat and go on to the next season of life. Just remember that Jesus can be trusted even when your faith wavers. He will always be there for you.

When was the last time you had that “sinking feeling?” What reminders did you get from the sermon from Peter getting out of the boat?

Praise Jesus for being unchanging and always faithful to save. Confess your seasons of “little faith” to God and your desire to grow your faith stronger.


And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” - Matthew 14:32-33 ESV

Steppin’ Out of the Boat: A Time to Worship
Henry Ward Beecher was a great preacher in Brooklyn, New York. He was known nationwide because of his radio broadcasts. People would come to Brooklyn to hear Henry Ward Beecher. On one particular Sunday morning, there were a lot of out-of-town guests there, and there was a guest preacher. Henry Ward Beecher was not even in the pulpit. When this guest preacher got up to speak, a lot of people who had come to hear Henry Ward Beecher got up and started to walk out. That man stopped them and said, "If you have come to worship Henry Ward Beecher, you may leave. But if you have come to worship God Almighty, you may stay." Those people sat down. (Holy Smoke)

Worship is an appropriate response to a Man Who has just walked on the water and into the boat! It is also the appropriate response to Jesus who has just made a storm stop. These were proof of the deity of Jesus and made Him worthy of worship. The Spirit of God uses storms to reveal God to us. Revealing God in a way that leads to worship is always the point of miracles.
What’s a recent example of people worshipping the wrong person or thing? What has God done for you recently that’s worthy of worship?

Take some time and worship God today with music playing, on a nature walk, or some other way you feel good about. Praise Him for a list of blessings He has brought into your life.





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