And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.” - Mark 3:22 ESV
Is There a Sin Jesus Can’t Forgive?
Three sons were discussing the gifts they had bought their mother. The first had bought her a big house. The second had bought her a Mercedes with a driver. The third knew she loved the Bible so he said he'd bought her a parrot which had been specially trained to recite Bible verses. All she had to do was suggest a reference and the parrot would start reciting. The first son got a letter saying that it was a very nice house, but it was too big and took all her time to clean. The second son got a letter saying the car was much too big for her and besides, the driver was rude. The third son got a letter saying, "You're the only one who understands me. Your two brothers give me stuff I don't really want. But you're such a good son. Thank you. The chicken was delicious."
Misunderstanding can be costly. In Mark 3, the scribes misunderstood who Jesus was which meant they also misunderstood His ability to forgive sins and cast out demons. Jesus uses the casting out of demons and the accusations of the scribes to teach about the forgiveness of God. Do not miss the point that these scribes could have accepted Jesus as the Messiah, for the evidence was overwhelming, but they refused.
What were some misconceptions you have had about Jesus that you have since learned the truth? What did you learn about forgiveness in the sermon?
Praise Jesus as the One True God. Ask God to continue to grow your understanding of Who He is and what He can do.
Is There a Sin Jesus Can’t Forgive?
Three sons were discussing the gifts they had bought their mother. The first had bought her a big house. The second had bought her a Mercedes with a driver. The third knew she loved the Bible so he said he'd bought her a parrot which had been specially trained to recite Bible verses. All she had to do was suggest a reference and the parrot would start reciting. The first son got a letter saying that it was a very nice house, but it was too big and took all her time to clean. The second son got a letter saying the car was much too big for her and besides, the driver was rude. The third son got a letter saying, "You're the only one who understands me. Your two brothers give me stuff I don't really want. But you're such a good son. Thank you. The chicken was delicious."
Misunderstanding can be costly. In Mark 3, the scribes misunderstood who Jesus was which meant they also misunderstood His ability to forgive sins and cast out demons. Jesus uses the casting out of demons and the accusations of the scribes to teach about the forgiveness of God. Do not miss the point that these scribes could have accepted Jesus as the Messiah, for the evidence was overwhelming, but they refused.
What were some misconceptions you have had about Jesus that you have since learned the truth? What did you learn about forgiveness in the sermon?
Praise Jesus as the One True God. Ask God to continue to grow your understanding of Who He is and what He can do.
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. - Mark 3:24-25 ESV
We Are Subjects of the King
A story is told about a father who catches his two sons quarreling. He calls them in and gives the oldest one a small stick and asks him to snap it. The son did so with a rebellious smirk on his face. The father handed him two sticks together and asked him to snap them which he did easily. Then it was three, four, five, and six sticks and by this time the boy was straining to snap the sticks. Finally, with seven sticks he had to admit defeat. Then the father cautioned his sons that “A house divided cannot stand.” You can be defeated one by one but if you stand together your united strength will cause your enemies to have second thoughts. (Source Unknown)
Jesus used this same principle to illustrate how absurd it was to think that He was working with Satan. Jesus’ Kingdom was not of this world and He came to destroy Satan’s kingdom. The scribes accuse Jesus of being in collusion with Satan, Beelzebul! It makes no sense that Jesus would use the power of Satan to cast out demons.
David Thompson wrote, "We are living in a time when there is much talk about division. We have some political divisions in Washington. We have major divisions in morality. We have talk of some racial divisions. Any divided kingdom will not stand. Ultimately what you have in a divided kingdom is civil war." How can you make it clear this week that you are a part of Jesus’ kingdom?
Praise Jesus for His power over all other kingdoms in this world. Ask God to help remove any confusion about your allegiance to Him in the eyes of those around you.
We Are Subjects of the King
A story is told about a father who catches his two sons quarreling. He calls them in and gives the oldest one a small stick and asks him to snap it. The son did so with a rebellious smirk on his face. The father handed him two sticks together and asked him to snap them which he did easily. Then it was three, four, five, and six sticks and by this time the boy was straining to snap the sticks. Finally, with seven sticks he had to admit defeat. Then the father cautioned his sons that “A house divided cannot stand.” You can be defeated one by one but if you stand together your united strength will cause your enemies to have second thoughts. (Source Unknown)
Jesus used this same principle to illustrate how absurd it was to think that He was working with Satan. Jesus’ Kingdom was not of this world and He came to destroy Satan’s kingdom. The scribes accuse Jesus of being in collusion with Satan, Beelzebul! It makes no sense that Jesus would use the power of Satan to cast out demons.
David Thompson wrote, "We are living in a time when there is much talk about division. We have some political divisions in Washington. We have major divisions in morality. We have talk of some racial divisions. Any divided kingdom will not stand. Ultimately what you have in a divided kingdom is civil war." How can you make it clear this week that you are a part of Jesus’ kingdom?
Praise Jesus for His power over all other kingdoms in this world. Ask God to help remove any confusion about your allegiance to Him in the eyes of those around you.
But no one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house. - Mark 3:27 ESV
We Are Set Free From the Enemy
There’s a story told of a bodybuilder on vacation in Africa who visited a local village. Impressed by his size the tribal chief asked him what he did with all his muscles. Rather than explain verbally the bodybuilder decided to demonstrate how he performed in competitions, and so he took off his shirt and began to strut his stuff with various poses all the time flexing his bulging muscles. It was an awesome sight but after a few minutes the chief looked puzzled and asked, “What else do you use your muscles for?” “Well, that’s about it,” replied the bodybuilder. “You mean that’s all you use your muscles for; just for showing off? asked the chief. “Yep,” replied the bodybuilder. The chief nodded his head in bewilderment. “What a waste!” he said as he turned to walk away. (Source:Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets)
Jesus refers to Satan as “the strong man” in Mark 3:27. Satan’s house is the kingdom which he dominates here on earth. His possessions are the helpless victims whom he holds in bondage through his demons. Now Jesus has bound him so that people can be set free! (1 Jn.3:8)
Can you think of anything Satan has tried to steal from you, your family, or our nation? Do you believe Jesus is strong enough to take those people or things back?
Praise Jesus for coming to tear down Satan’s strongholds. Pray for the people and places that need to be set free from Satan’s control and influence.
We Are Set Free From the Enemy
There’s a story told of a bodybuilder on vacation in Africa who visited a local village. Impressed by his size the tribal chief asked him what he did with all his muscles. Rather than explain verbally the bodybuilder decided to demonstrate how he performed in competitions, and so he took off his shirt and began to strut his stuff with various poses all the time flexing his bulging muscles. It was an awesome sight but after a few minutes the chief looked puzzled and asked, “What else do you use your muscles for?” “Well, that’s about it,” replied the bodybuilder. “You mean that’s all you use your muscles for; just for showing off? asked the chief. “Yep,” replied the bodybuilder. The chief nodded his head in bewilderment. “What a waste!” he said as he turned to walk away. (Source:Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets)
Jesus refers to Satan as “the strong man” in Mark 3:27. Satan’s house is the kingdom which he dominates here on earth. His possessions are the helpless victims whom he holds in bondage through his demons. Now Jesus has bound him so that people can be set free! (1 Jn.3:8)
Can you think of anything Satan has tried to steal from you, your family, or our nation? Do you believe Jesus is strong enough to take those people or things back?
Praise Jesus for coming to tear down Satan’s strongholds. Pray for the people and places that need to be set free from Satan’s control and influence.
Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin” - Mark 3:28-29 ESV
We Are Saved From Judgement
There was a man who went to the store to buy the perfect gift for his son’s birthday. He finds something that he is sure his son will appreciate, but he does not have enough money to buy it. So he sells some of his possessions and even works overtime at his job until he has enough money to purchase the gift. The big day arrives, and he proudly gives his gift to his son. But the gift is not what the son expected, and he rejects it, calling it “junk.” No matter how many times the father offers the gift, the son simply will not receive it. This is a picture of the unpardonable sin. (Osborne - Teaching the Text - Mark)
Jesus has good news and bad news about forgiveness. The good news is proceeded by “Truly.” Truly always on the lips of Jesus introduces a statement of solemn importance. Truly, Jesus can forgive any sin. Truly, we can escape judgment for our sins. The equally solemn bad news is only blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Matt Chandler puts it: “The blasphemy of the Spirit is the knowledgeable, willful, and continued rebellion against the ministry of the Holy Spirit.” Sam Storms adds, “It is not a careless act but a calloused attitude…it is not mere denial, but determined denial; not mere rejection, but wanton, willful, wicked, wide-eyed rejection.” It’s a deliberate refusal of the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Are you part of the group that is rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit, saying “no” to Jesus? When did you first sense the Holy Spirit working and drawing you to Jesus? How did you respond initially?
Praise God for the saving work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Ask God to continue to keep you ears and heart soft toward the Spirit’s work in your life.
We Are Saved From Judgement
There was a man who went to the store to buy the perfect gift for his son’s birthday. He finds something that he is sure his son will appreciate, but he does not have enough money to buy it. So he sells some of his possessions and even works overtime at his job until he has enough money to purchase the gift. The big day arrives, and he proudly gives his gift to his son. But the gift is not what the son expected, and he rejects it, calling it “junk.” No matter how many times the father offers the gift, the son simply will not receive it. This is a picture of the unpardonable sin. (Osborne - Teaching the Text - Mark)
Jesus has good news and bad news about forgiveness. The good news is proceeded by “Truly.” Truly always on the lips of Jesus introduces a statement of solemn importance. Truly, Jesus can forgive any sin. Truly, we can escape judgment for our sins. The equally solemn bad news is only blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Matt Chandler puts it: “The blasphemy of the Spirit is the knowledgeable, willful, and continued rebellion against the ministry of the Holy Spirit.” Sam Storms adds, “It is not a careless act but a calloused attitude…it is not mere denial, but determined denial; not mere rejection, but wanton, willful, wicked, wide-eyed rejection.” It’s a deliberate refusal of the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Are you part of the group that is rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit, saying “no” to Jesus? When did you first sense the Holy Spirit working and drawing you to Jesus? How did you respond initially?
Praise God for the saving work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Ask God to continue to keep you ears and heart soft toward the Spirit’s work in your life.
And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” - Mark 3:34-35 ESV
Jesus Establishes A New Family
A psychiatrist was making his rounds at the state hospital one day, when he entered a patient’s room. He found patient #1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half. Patient #2 was hanging from the ceiling by his feet. The doctor asked patient #1 what he was doing. The patient replied, “Can’t you see? I’m sawing this piece of wood in half.” The doctor inquired of patient #1 what patient #2 was doing hanging upside down from the ceiling. “Oh, he’s my friend,” #1 said, “but he’s a little crazy. He thinks he’s a light bulb.” The doctor looked up and noticed that patient #2’s face was turning red. The doctor asked patient #1, “If he’s your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself.” #1 replied, “What? And work in the dark?” (source unknown)
It seems as if Jesus’ family thought, at this time, that Jesus was a little crazy.
There is a somewhat ironic picture here - His physical family standing outside. And the crowd and the disciples were on inside, nearer to Jesus than His own family. Brooks writes: The story about Jesus’ family redefines who constitutes his family. Jesus’ true family consists of those who respond positively to him rather than those who are physically related to him. The story also suggests that being a part of Jesus’ family may require adjusting or even severing relationships with an earthly family. (NAC-Mark)
Have you ever had your family tell you that you were crazy for following Jesus?
Are you part of the group that has become the family of Jesus, following after Him?
Praise God for the beauty of the family of God. Ask God who He wants you to help invite into His family today.
Jesus Establishes A New Family
A psychiatrist was making his rounds at the state hospital one day, when he entered a patient’s room. He found patient #1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half. Patient #2 was hanging from the ceiling by his feet. The doctor asked patient #1 what he was doing. The patient replied, “Can’t you see? I’m sawing this piece of wood in half.” The doctor inquired of patient #1 what patient #2 was doing hanging upside down from the ceiling. “Oh, he’s my friend,” #1 said, “but he’s a little crazy. He thinks he’s a light bulb.” The doctor looked up and noticed that patient #2’s face was turning red. The doctor asked patient #1, “If he’s your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself.” #1 replied, “What? And work in the dark?” (source unknown)
It seems as if Jesus’ family thought, at this time, that Jesus was a little crazy.
There is a somewhat ironic picture here - His physical family standing outside. And the crowd and the disciples were on inside, nearer to Jesus than His own family. Brooks writes: The story about Jesus’ family redefines who constitutes his family. Jesus’ true family consists of those who respond positively to him rather than those who are physically related to him. The story also suggests that being a part of Jesus’ family may require adjusting or even severing relationships with an earthly family. (NAC-Mark)
Have you ever had your family tell you that you were crazy for following Jesus?
Are you part of the group that has become the family of Jesus, following after Him?
Praise God for the beauty of the family of God. Ask God who He wants you to help invite into His family today.
Posted in The Gospel of Mark: A Journey with Jesus
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