October 14-18


“What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” – Mark 10:9 (ESV)

What Jesus Said About Marriage and Divorce
One man said, “I wanted my wife to know how much I appreciated her tolerating me for the past 20 years. I ordered flowers and told the florist to enclose a card that read, 'Thanks for putting up with me so long.' When my wife got the delivery, she called me at work. "Just where do you think you going?" she asked. "What do you mean?" I said. She read the card aloud as the florist had written it: ‘Thanks for putting up with me. So long.’"

In 2021, a couple in New Zealand celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary! Can you imagine? That’s eight decades of commitment. Their secret? They said it was the willingness to forgive and the refusal to let go of their bond. It’s a picture of God’s design for marriage—a lasting commitment, even when times get tough.

In Mark 10:1-9, Jesus tackles a tough question: Is divorce acceptable? The Pharisees wanted to trap Him, but Jesus, in His wisdom, points back to Creation. God’s original intent for marriage was a lifelong, unbreakable bond. Marriage isn’t just a human institution; it’s something God created and blessed. Divorce was never part of the plan, and Jesus reminds us of that by saying, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Reflection Questions:
1. How can you protect and nurture the relationships God has given you, especially in marriage?
2. Why do you think Jesus referred to Creation when discussing marriage?

Suggested Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of marriage. Help me to see it through Your eyes, not as a temporary arrangement but as a lifelong covenant. Strengthen marriages today and give us grace to love like You do. Amen.


“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”– Mark 10:14 (ESV)

What Jesus Said About Children and Family
In this passage, parents are bringing their children to Jesus, but the disciples try to stop them. Maybe they thought Jesus was too busy or the kids were too disruptive. But Jesus surprises everyone: He welcomes the children with open arms, saying, “Let the children come to me.” Not only that, but He says the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children—humble, trusting, and eager to be near Him.

A recent news story about a school principal who became a crossing guard for his students illustrates this well. When he realized the need for more safety on his campus, he stepped in—rain or shine—to protect and welcome those children. Like Jesus, he made time for them, showing that their well-being mattered.

Reflection Questions:
1. In what ways does our Second Church family reflect Jesus’ attitude toward children?
2. What does it mean to approach God with the heart of a child?

Suggested Prayer:
Lord Jesus, help me to value children the way You do. Help our church value children the way you do. May I never see anyone as unimportant, and may I have the humility and trust of a child in my relationship with You. Amen.


“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” – Mark 10:14 (ESV)

Jesus Loved and Welcomed Children
Mother Teresa spent her life serving the poorest of the poor, including many children in Calcutta. She once said, “We cannot do great things, only small things with great love.” That’s the heart of Jesus when He said, “Let the children come to Me.” It’s a call to love others, especially those who seem insignificant in the eyes of the world.

Jesus’ love for children shows His heart for the vulnerable. In a world that often disregarded kids, Jesus welcomed them. He didn’t just tolerate their presence—He celebrated it! This teaches us something profound: in God’s kingdom, everyone matters, especially those society might overlook.

Reflection Questions:
1. Who are the vulnerable and insignificant in our community?
2. How can you make space in your life for those who may be overlooked or undervalued?

Suggested Prayer:
Father, thank You for showing us the value of every person, young or old. Help me to welcome others as You welcome me, with open arms and love. Amen.


“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” – Mark 10:15 (ESV)

Jesus Honored and Elevated Children
Recently, a news story captured hearts around the world. In a small village, a natural disaster threatened the safety of the townspeople. Amidst the panic, a young boy stood at the edge of a rising river, holding out his hand. When questioned, he simply said, "My dad told me he'd come back for me." Against all odds, the boy waited confidently, trusting his father’s promise. Hours later, a rescue team—led by his father—arrived, just as the boy believed.

This story paints a clear picture of the childlike faith Jesus speaks of in Mark 10:15. The boy’s unwavering trust in his father reflects the kind of simple, pure belief that Christ calls us to in our relationship with God. Jesus desires a faith that isn’t weighed down by doubt, fear, or self-reliance, but one that fully trusts in the promises of our Heavenly Father.
Children naturally depend on their caregivers. They trust, ask questions, and accept help with humility. Jesus points to this childlike disposition, not as a sign of weakness, but as a model of true faith. To "receive the kingdom of God like a child" means to approach God with openness, humility, and trust. It doesn’t mean we act immaturely, but rather that we trust God with a simple, unguarded heart. This kind of faith acknowledges our need for God, rather than pretending we have everything figured out.

Reflection Questions:
1. In what areas of your life are you struggling to trust God like a child?
2. How might you simplify your faith, letting go of adult-sized doubts or fears?

Suggested Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promises and constant faithfulness. Teach me to trust You with a childlike heart, free from worry or doubt. Help me to let go of control and receive Your kingdom with open hands, believing that You are always working for my good. Guide me as I learn to depend on You more fully each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.” – Mark 10:16 (ESV)

What Jesus Said About Family and Community
A story from recent news highlights how Jesus feels about family: a father who worked multiple jobs to provide for his kids always found time to read them a bedtime story. When asked why, he said, “That’s when they feel my love the most.” Jesus did the same—He made time for those who needed Him.

Jesus’ embrace of children speaks volumes about His love for community and family. By physically embracing the children, Jesus showed that His love is not distant; it’s close and personal. Families are God’s idea, and Jesus’ care for the little ones shows us how important family is to God.

In a world filled with distractions, it’s easy to overlook the importance of nurturing relationships in our homes. But just like Jesus paused to bless the children, we’re called to pause and invest in the people closest to us.

Reflection Questions:
1. How can you create meaningful moments with your family and community?
2. Why is it important to make time for those we love, even in the busyness of life?

Suggested Prayer:
Lord, help me to follow Your example of loving those around me. Show me how to make time for my family and community, and may Your love flow through me in every relationship. Amen.





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