“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” — Galatians 4:4-5 (ESV)
He Came at the Right Time
On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy promised the world that America would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade. At the time, the U.S. was behind in the space race, and such a mission seemed almost impossible. For eight years, NASA engineers faced setbacks, failed tests, and even a tragic loss of astronauts. But everything changed on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong took that historic step onto the moon. Why did it take so long? Because the timing had to be perfect—the technology, the readiness of the world, and even the political climate. Too early, and it would have failed. Too late, and the moment would have passed.
Paul’s words in Galatians 4:4 highlight that Jesus came at precisely the right moment—when the fullness of time had come. Pastor Jim has said, “God’s timing isn’t rushed, but it’s always perfect.” At this moment in history, several factors aligned: Theologically: Humanity had tried and failed to meet God’s standards under the Law. Culturally: The Greek language united many nations, making communication of the gospel easier. Politically: The Roman Empire’s peace and roads allowed for rapid travel and the spread of new ideas. Had Jesus come any earlier or later, the conditions wouldn’t have been right for the gospel to spread as quickly or widely.
God’s timing is just as perfect in your life. You may feel like you’ve been waiting forever for an answer, a breakthrough, or healing. But just as He orchestrated the perfect time for Jesus’ arrival, He’s orchestrating the details of your life. Trust Him—He’s never late.
Reflection Questions:
1. When have you seen God’s timing work perfectly in your life, even if it differed from your plans?
2. How can you trust God’s timing in your current situation?
Suggested Prayer:
Father, thank You for sending Jesus at the perfect time. Help me trust that Your timing is just as perfect in my life. Give me faith to wait patiently and to see Your hand at work. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
He Came at the Right Time
On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy promised the world that America would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade. At the time, the U.S. was behind in the space race, and such a mission seemed almost impossible. For eight years, NASA engineers faced setbacks, failed tests, and even a tragic loss of astronauts. But everything changed on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong took that historic step onto the moon. Why did it take so long? Because the timing had to be perfect—the technology, the readiness of the world, and even the political climate. Too early, and it would have failed. Too late, and the moment would have passed.
Paul’s words in Galatians 4:4 highlight that Jesus came at precisely the right moment—when the fullness of time had come. Pastor Jim has said, “God’s timing isn’t rushed, but it’s always perfect.” At this moment in history, several factors aligned: Theologically: Humanity had tried and failed to meet God’s standards under the Law. Culturally: The Greek language united many nations, making communication of the gospel easier. Politically: The Roman Empire’s peace and roads allowed for rapid travel and the spread of new ideas. Had Jesus come any earlier or later, the conditions wouldn’t have been right for the gospel to spread as quickly or widely.
God’s timing is just as perfect in your life. You may feel like you’ve been waiting forever for an answer, a breakthrough, or healing. But just as He orchestrated the perfect time for Jesus’ arrival, He’s orchestrating the details of your life. Trust Him—He’s never late.
Reflection Questions:
1. When have you seen God’s timing work perfectly in your life, even if it differed from your plans?
2. How can you trust God’s timing in your current situation?
Suggested Prayer:
Father, thank You for sending Jesus at the perfect time. Help me trust that Your timing is just as perfect in my life. Give me faith to wait patiently and to see Your hand at work. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son…” – Galatians 4:4 (ESV)
He Came at the Right Time (Part 2)
In 1998, a man named Jim Dunbar struggled with chronic lateness. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t show up on time. Frustrated, he sought medical advice and was officially diagnosed with “chronic lateness syndrome.” His story made headlines, sparking both sympathy and laughter. While Jim’s timing was always off, God’s timing never is! Unlike Jim, God’s clock is always set perfectly, orchestrating every detail for His divine purpose.
God sent Jesus at precisely the right time in history when the world was ready for the message of the gospel. God is always intentional with His timing. Just as He sent Jesus at the perfect time, He orchestrates the timing in our lives with the same precision. It’s often difficult to see it in the moment, but hindsight reveals His perfect plan. Are you waiting on God for something today? Trust that He is working behind the scenes, aligning circumstances for your good.
Reflection Questions:
1. Can you think of a time when God’s timing in your life was different from what you expected but turned out to be perfect?
2. How can you cultivate patience and trust in God’s timing today?
Suggested Prayer:
Lord, thank You for Your perfect timing in all things. Help me to trust You when I don’t understand why I’m waiting. Give me faith to believe that You are working for my good and Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
He Came at the Right Time (Part 2)
In 1998, a man named Jim Dunbar struggled with chronic lateness. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t show up on time. Frustrated, he sought medical advice and was officially diagnosed with “chronic lateness syndrome.” His story made headlines, sparking both sympathy and laughter. While Jim’s timing was always off, God’s timing never is! Unlike Jim, God’s clock is always set perfectly, orchestrating every detail for His divine purpose.
God sent Jesus at precisely the right time in history when the world was ready for the message of the gospel. God is always intentional with His timing. Just as He sent Jesus at the perfect time, He orchestrates the timing in our lives with the same precision. It’s often difficult to see it in the moment, but hindsight reveals His perfect plan. Are you waiting on God for something today? Trust that He is working behind the scenes, aligning circumstances for your good.
Reflection Questions:
1. Can you think of a time when God’s timing in your life was different from what you expected but turned out to be perfect?
2. How can you cultivate patience and trust in God’s timing today?
Suggested Prayer:
Lord, thank You for Your perfect timing in all things. Help me to trust You when I don’t understand why I’m waiting. Give me faith to believe that You are working for my good and Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law…” Galatians 4:4 (ESV)
He Came in the Right Way
In 2010, a small town in Chile made global headlines when 33 miners were trapped nearly 2,300 feet underground after a cave-in. The rescue mission seemed impossible—days turned into weeks, and the miners’ survival became uncertain. Then came a breakthrough: rescuers drilled a narrow shaft down to the trapped men.
But the challenge wasn’t just reaching them—it was getting them out. Engineers designed a special capsule named the Phoenix that was small enough to fit through the narrow shaft but strong enough to carry a man to safety. One by one, all 33 miners were lifted to freedom. What amazed many was the simplicity of the solution.
Paul emphasizes that Jesus came in the most unexpected way—born of a woman, fully human, and under the law, subject to the same conditions and requirements as everyone else. To fully identify with us: Jesus was not distant or removed from our struggles. He experienced the same limitations, temptations, and challenges we face. To fulfill the law perfectly: Humanity couldn’t meet God’s standard of righteousness, but Jesus did. He lived a sinless life, fulfilling the requirements of the law on our behalf. To become the perfect sacrifice: Only someone fully human and fully divine could bridge the gap between God and humanity. Just like the Phoenix capsule had to fit perfectly to rescue the miners, Jesus had to come as one of us to rescue us from sin and death.
Reflection Questions:
1. How has God used unexpected or simple circumstances to work in your life?
2. In what ways can you look for Jesus in the ordinary moments of your day?
Suggested Prayer:
Lord, thank You for coming to us in the most humble and relatable way. Help me to see You in the ordinary and trust that You are always near. Teach me to embrace Your presence in both the big and small moments of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
He Came in the Right Way
In 2010, a small town in Chile made global headlines when 33 miners were trapped nearly 2,300 feet underground after a cave-in. The rescue mission seemed impossible—days turned into weeks, and the miners’ survival became uncertain. Then came a breakthrough: rescuers drilled a narrow shaft down to the trapped men.
But the challenge wasn’t just reaching them—it was getting them out. Engineers designed a special capsule named the Phoenix that was small enough to fit through the narrow shaft but strong enough to carry a man to safety. One by one, all 33 miners were lifted to freedom. What amazed many was the simplicity of the solution.
Paul emphasizes that Jesus came in the most unexpected way—born of a woman, fully human, and under the law, subject to the same conditions and requirements as everyone else. To fully identify with us: Jesus was not distant or removed from our struggles. He experienced the same limitations, temptations, and challenges we face. To fulfill the law perfectly: Humanity couldn’t meet God’s standard of righteousness, but Jesus did. He lived a sinless life, fulfilling the requirements of the law on our behalf. To become the perfect sacrifice: Only someone fully human and fully divine could bridge the gap between God and humanity. Just like the Phoenix capsule had to fit perfectly to rescue the miners, Jesus had to come as one of us to rescue us from sin and death.
Reflection Questions:
1. How has God used unexpected or simple circumstances to work in your life?
2. In what ways can you look for Jesus in the ordinary moments of your day?
Suggested Prayer:
Lord, thank You for coming to us in the most humble and relatable way. Help me to see You in the ordinary and trust that You are always near. Teach me to embrace Your presence in both the big and small moments of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law…” – Galatians 4:4 (ESV)
He Came in the Right Way (Part 2)
In 1936, Clarence Gideon was arrested for burglary in Florida. Too poor to afford a lawyer, he represented himself at trial and was convicted. While in prison, he studied law and filed a handwritten appeal to the Supreme Court. His case, Gideon v. Wainwright, led to the landmark ruling that all defendants have the right to legal counsel, regardless of their ability to pay. Gideon’s case reshaped the American legal system, and he became a symbol of justice for the powerless.
Jesus, too, became a champion for the powerless by entering the world humbly—born of woman, fully human, and under the law, subject to its demands. He lived under the same law we did, but unlike us, He fulfilled it perfectly. By coming in this way, Jesus did what we could not. He met God’s standard of righteousness, making Him the perfect substitute for us. His humanity allows Him to empathize with our weaknesses, and His divinity gives Him the power to save us. The fact that He was both fully human and fully divine is the heart of the gospel.
Have you considered the significance of Jesus’ humanity? He knows what it’s like to walk in your shoes. Whatever you’re facing today—whether it’s pain, loneliness, or temptation—Jesus understands, and He walks with you through it.
Reflection Questions:
1. How does knowing that Jesus was fully human and experienced life’s challenges encourage you in your struggles?
2. What areas of your life do you need to surrender to His perfect humanity and divinity?
Suggested Prayer:
Jesus, thank You for coming as one of us and living under the law. Thank You for fulfilling what I could not and for offering me grace. Help me to trust You with my struggles, knowing You understand and care deeply for me. In Your name, Amen.
He Came in the Right Way (Part 2)
In 1936, Clarence Gideon was arrested for burglary in Florida. Too poor to afford a lawyer, he represented himself at trial and was convicted. While in prison, he studied law and filed a handwritten appeal to the Supreme Court. His case, Gideon v. Wainwright, led to the landmark ruling that all defendants have the right to legal counsel, regardless of their ability to pay. Gideon’s case reshaped the American legal system, and he became a symbol of justice for the powerless.
Jesus, too, became a champion for the powerless by entering the world humbly—born of woman, fully human, and under the law, subject to its demands. He lived under the same law we did, but unlike us, He fulfilled it perfectly. By coming in this way, Jesus did what we could not. He met God’s standard of righteousness, making Him the perfect substitute for us. His humanity allows Him to empathize with our weaknesses, and His divinity gives Him the power to save us. The fact that He was both fully human and fully divine is the heart of the gospel.
Have you considered the significance of Jesus’ humanity? He knows what it’s like to walk in your shoes. Whatever you’re facing today—whether it’s pain, loneliness, or temptation—Jesus understands, and He walks with you through it.
Reflection Questions:
1. How does knowing that Jesus was fully human and experienced life’s challenges encourage you in your struggles?
2. What areas of your life do you need to surrender to His perfect humanity and divinity?
Suggested Prayer:
Jesus, thank You for coming as one of us and living under the law. Thank You for fulfilling what I could not and for offering me grace. Help me to trust You with my struggles, knowing You understand and care deeply for me. In Your name, Amen.
“To redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” –Galatians 4:5 (ESV)
He Came for the Right Reason
In 1829, a man named George Wilson was convicted of robbing a U.S. mail carrier and sentenced to death. But before the sentence could be carried out, President Andrew Jackson issued Wilson a full pardon. Surprisingly, Wilson refused the pardon. His case went to the Supreme Court, where Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that a pardon is only effective if it is accepted by the person receiving it. Because Wilson rejected the pardon, he was executed.
The offer of freedom was there, but Wilson’s refusal left him condemned. This true story echoes the heart of the gospel. Christ came to redeem, to buy back, those who were condemned under the law. However, redemption is only effective for those who accept it. Redemption wasn’t an afterthought or a side mission—it was the central purpose of His coming.
Redemption wasn’t just about freedom; it was about adoption. Adoption in Roman culture meant full legal rights, a new identity, and an inheritance. Paul’s readers would have understood the magnitude of this imagery. They weren’t just freed slaves—they were beloved children of God, fully accepted and given all the rights of sons and daughters.
Reflection Questions:
1. Are there areas of your life where you’re living as if you’re still in bondage, even though Christ has set you free?
2. How can you embrace your identity as an adopted child of God this week?
Suggested Prayer:
Father, thank You for sending Jesus to redeem me and adopt me into Your family. Help me to live in the freedom You’ve given me and to walk confidently in my identity as Your child. Let my life reflect the joy and peace of belonging to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
He Came for the Right Reason
In 1829, a man named George Wilson was convicted of robbing a U.S. mail carrier and sentenced to death. But before the sentence could be carried out, President Andrew Jackson issued Wilson a full pardon. Surprisingly, Wilson refused the pardon. His case went to the Supreme Court, where Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that a pardon is only effective if it is accepted by the person receiving it. Because Wilson rejected the pardon, he was executed.
The offer of freedom was there, but Wilson’s refusal left him condemned. This true story echoes the heart of the gospel. Christ came to redeem, to buy back, those who were condemned under the law. However, redemption is only effective for those who accept it. Redemption wasn’t an afterthought or a side mission—it was the central purpose of His coming.
Redemption wasn’t just about freedom; it was about adoption. Adoption in Roman culture meant full legal rights, a new identity, and an inheritance. Paul’s readers would have understood the magnitude of this imagery. They weren’t just freed slaves—they were beloved children of God, fully accepted and given all the rights of sons and daughters.
Reflection Questions:
1. Are there areas of your life where you’re living as if you’re still in bondage, even though Christ has set you free?
2. How can you embrace your identity as an adopted child of God this week?
Suggested Prayer:
Father, thank You for sending Jesus to redeem me and adopt me into Your family. Help me to live in the freedom You’ve given me and to walk confidently in my identity as Your child. Let my life reflect the joy and peace of belonging to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Posted in Miracles of Christmas
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