So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation. - 1 Peter 2:1-2 ESV
It’s Time to Get Growing
If my family ever moves from the house where we live now, I want to unhinge the pantry door and take it with me! That door is special because it shows how my children have grown over the years. Every few months, my husband and I place our children against the door and pencil a mark just above their heads. According to our growth chart, my daughter shot up 4 inches in just 1 year!
While my children grow physically as a natural part of life, there’s another kind of growth that happens with some effort—our spiritual growth in Christlikeness. (Jennifer Benson Schuldt)
The entire book of Peter is set against a backdrop of intense persecution and literal fiery trials. The year was A.D. 65, during the rain of Nero Claudius Caesar. In this book, the Apostle Peter is responding to the question, “How are Christians to live in the midst of such terrible trials and persecutions? As we approach chapter two, the question more specifically is how are Christians to grow in the midst of such terrible persecutions and trials?
If we had a spiritual doorpost for your life, would you be able to track any measurable growth lately? How have intense trials impacted your spiritual growth?
Thank God for the ways He has used trials in your past to grow your faith. Ask God to continue to grow your faith in areas where you are weakest
It’s Time to Get Growing
If my family ever moves from the house where we live now, I want to unhinge the pantry door and take it with me! That door is special because it shows how my children have grown over the years. Every few months, my husband and I place our children against the door and pencil a mark just above their heads. According to our growth chart, my daughter shot up 4 inches in just 1 year!
While my children grow physically as a natural part of life, there’s another kind of growth that happens with some effort—our spiritual growth in Christlikeness. (Jennifer Benson Schuldt)
The entire book of Peter is set against a backdrop of intense persecution and literal fiery trials. The year was A.D. 65, during the rain of Nero Claudius Caesar. In this book, the Apostle Peter is responding to the question, “How are Christians to live in the midst of such terrible trials and persecutions? As we approach chapter two, the question more specifically is how are Christians to grow in the midst of such terrible persecutions and trials?
If we had a spiritual doorpost for your life, would you be able to track any measurable growth lately? How have intense trials impacted your spiritual growth?
Thank God for the ways He has used trials in your past to grow your faith. Ask God to continue to grow your faith in areas where you are weakest
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. - 1 Peter 2:1 ESV
It’s Time to Get Growing - Some Things Must Be Removed
Mark Twain famously said “Clothes make the man,” and we’re often told to dress for success. In fact, there is much truth to this adage, which is why there is a nonprofit called “Dress for Success” that provides appropriate clothing for job seekers. Even in this much more casual era, we seem to understand that clothes stand for something, and by changing our clothes we can change our identity. (Robert Cornwall)
Peter challenges the church to take off the old clothes of sin and put on the new clothes of Christ's righteousness. The clothes are five attitudes and actions to lay aside. They are malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and evil speaking. Becoming a Christian means changing your wardrobe. These five attitudes went out of style when you were born again.
Look at the list of five things Peter taught us to lay aside. Based on Pastor Jim’s descriptions, which of the five do you think you are most tempted to wear on occasion?
Praise God for clothing you with the righteousness of Christ when you were saved. Ask God to give you the grace and strength to stop occasionally picking up and wearing old attitudes.
It’s Time to Get Growing - Some Things Must Be Removed
Mark Twain famously said “Clothes make the man,” and we’re often told to dress for success. In fact, there is much truth to this adage, which is why there is a nonprofit called “Dress for Success” that provides appropriate clothing for job seekers. Even in this much more casual era, we seem to understand that clothes stand for something, and by changing our clothes we can change our identity. (Robert Cornwall)
Peter challenges the church to take off the old clothes of sin and put on the new clothes of Christ's righteousness. The clothes are five attitudes and actions to lay aside. They are malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and evil speaking. Becoming a Christian means changing your wardrobe. These five attitudes went out of style when you were born again.
Look at the list of five things Peter taught us to lay aside. Based on Pastor Jim’s descriptions, which of the five do you think you are most tempted to wear on occasion?
Praise God for clothing you with the righteousness of Christ when you were saved. Ask God to give you the grace and strength to stop occasionally picking up and wearing old attitudes.
Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation. - 1 Peter 2:2 ESV
It’s Time to Get Growing - Some Things Must Be Received
J Vernon McGee wrote: I remember when our little grandson was born. Because his father was over in Turkey at the time, his mother brought him into our home. We had him with us those first few months, and every now and then it was my task to give him his bottle. I want to tell you, that little fellow went into high gear when he saw that bottle of milk. He started moving his hands, his mouth, his feet. He was reaching out for it with every part of his body. At that time, I was still the pastor of a congregation, and I thought, I wish I had a congregation that would reach out after the Word of God like that! My friend, without a hunger for the Word of God you will not grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ. You will not develop as a Christian—you will always be in your babyhood. (Thru the Bible)
The Apostle Peter wanted to same thing for the church. “Long for” is to desire, to yearn after, or to crave. “As newborn babies.” Babies have a natural desire for milk. A newborn believer should have a natural desire for God and His Word, but that desire must be cultivated. “That you may grow.” Even as a baby must drink milk to grow and be physically healthy, so too must the newborn believer consistently feed on God’s Word so that they might grow in grace and Christlikeness. A healthy infant is a hungry infant. A spiritually healthy Christian is a hungry Christian.
What do you crave most in your life for information? Is it the news headlines, social media, or God’s Word? Think about the impact of what you are putting in your mind the most is having on your daily way of thinking and living.
Praise God for the gift of His perfect Word. Thank God for the way it feeds your soul. Ask God to grow your craving for the milk of the Word of God.
It’s Time to Get Growing - Some Things Must Be Received
J Vernon McGee wrote: I remember when our little grandson was born. Because his father was over in Turkey at the time, his mother brought him into our home. We had him with us those first few months, and every now and then it was my task to give him his bottle. I want to tell you, that little fellow went into high gear when he saw that bottle of milk. He started moving his hands, his mouth, his feet. He was reaching out for it with every part of his body. At that time, I was still the pastor of a congregation, and I thought, I wish I had a congregation that would reach out after the Word of God like that! My friend, without a hunger for the Word of God you will not grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ. You will not develop as a Christian—you will always be in your babyhood. (Thru the Bible)
The Apostle Peter wanted to same thing for the church. “Long for” is to desire, to yearn after, or to crave. “As newborn babies.” Babies have a natural desire for milk. A newborn believer should have a natural desire for God and His Word, but that desire must be cultivated. “That you may grow.” Even as a baby must drink milk to grow and be physically healthy, so too must the newborn believer consistently feed on God’s Word so that they might grow in grace and Christlikeness. A healthy infant is a hungry infant. A spiritually healthy Christian is a hungry Christian.
What do you crave most in your life for information? Is it the news headlines, social media, or God’s Word? Think about the impact of what you are putting in your mind the most is having on your daily way of thinking and living.
Praise God for the gift of His perfect Word. Thank God for the way it feeds your soul. Ask God to grow your craving for the milk of the Word of God.
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. - 1 Peter 2:1 ESV
It’s Time to Get Growing: Somethings Must Be Remembered
Max Lucado compares our relationship with Christ with a gift Billy Joel gave his daughter. On her 12th birthday, she was in New York City, and the pop musician was in Los Angeles. He phoned her that morning, apologizing for his absence, but told her to expect the delivery of a large package before the end of the day. The daughter answered the doorbell that evening to find a seven-foot-tall, brightly wrapped box. She tore it open, and out stepped her father, fresh off the plane from the West Coast. Can you imagine her surprise?
The Apostle Peter wanted the church to remember their spiritual birthdays. “So” or “therefore” that starts 1 Peter 2:1 means we must go to the previous chapter for the answer. Chapter 1 is all about our spiritual birthday and being born again in Christ. And now that we are born again, 1 Peter 2 teaches it’s time to grow. The next few verses are filled with a mixture of interesting metaphors that make for fascinating meditation -“putting off clothes,” “long for milk,” “tasting” the goodness of the Lord, “stones” and “spiritual houses” that are the result of being born again.
Do you remember your spiritual birthday? How did you come to know Christ and what made you want to follow Jesus?
Praise God for opening your eyes and heart to see your need for His grace and mercy. Thank God for your spiritual birthday! Ask God to use that memory to motivate you to continue in your spiritual growth.
It’s Time to Get Growing: Somethings Must Be Remembered
Max Lucado compares our relationship with Christ with a gift Billy Joel gave his daughter. On her 12th birthday, she was in New York City, and the pop musician was in Los Angeles. He phoned her that morning, apologizing for his absence, but told her to expect the delivery of a large package before the end of the day. The daughter answered the doorbell that evening to find a seven-foot-tall, brightly wrapped box. She tore it open, and out stepped her father, fresh off the plane from the West Coast. Can you imagine her surprise?
The Apostle Peter wanted the church to remember their spiritual birthdays. “So” or “therefore” that starts 1 Peter 2:1 means we must go to the previous chapter for the answer. Chapter 1 is all about our spiritual birthday and being born again in Christ. And now that we are born again, 1 Peter 2 teaches it’s time to grow. The next few verses are filled with a mixture of interesting metaphors that make for fascinating meditation -“putting off clothes,” “long for milk,” “tasting” the goodness of the Lord, “stones” and “spiritual houses” that are the result of being born again.
Do you remember your spiritual birthday? How did you come to know Christ and what made you want to follow Jesus?
Praise God for opening your eyes and heart to see your need for His grace and mercy. Thank God for your spiritual birthday! Ask God to use that memory to motivate you to continue in your spiritual growth.
...if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. - 1 Peter 2:3 ESV
It’s Time to Get Growing: Somethings Must Be Remembered
A beautiful and touching story is told of a young French girl who had been born blind. After she learned to read by touch, a friend gave her a Braille copy of Mark’s gospel. She read it so much that her fingers became calloused and insensitive. In an effort to regain her feeling, she cut the skin from the ends of her fingers. Tragically, however, her calluses were replaced by permanent and even more insensitive scars. She sobbingly gave the book a goodbye kiss, saying, "FAREWELL, FAREWELL, SWEET WORD OF MY HEAVENLY FATHER." In doing so, she discovered that her lips were even more sensitive than her fingers had been, and she spent the rest of her life reading her great treasure with her lips. Would that every Christian had such an appetite for the Word of God! (As told by Dr John MacArthur)
The French girl was literally “tasting” the Word of God. Peter's point in 1 Peter 2:3 is that in view of the fact that his readers had tasted the kindness of the Lord in causing them to be born again, they should now be motivated to rid themselves of the hindrances that ruin our spiritual appetite so that they might long for proper nourishment found only in the Word and only in which one can attain genuine spiritual growth and maturity. Once you experience the goodness of God’s Word nothing else compares.
There’s very little doubt that Peter was referencing Psalm 34:8, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Read the rest of Psalm 34 today and the blessings that come with faith in Jesus.
Praise God for the ways you have experienced His goodness as a result of your salvation. Ask God to help you remember that nothing compares to Him and His Word leading you through life.
It’s Time to Get Growing: Somethings Must Be Remembered
A beautiful and touching story is told of a young French girl who had been born blind. After she learned to read by touch, a friend gave her a Braille copy of Mark’s gospel. She read it so much that her fingers became calloused and insensitive. In an effort to regain her feeling, she cut the skin from the ends of her fingers. Tragically, however, her calluses were replaced by permanent and even more insensitive scars. She sobbingly gave the book a goodbye kiss, saying, "FAREWELL, FAREWELL, SWEET WORD OF MY HEAVENLY FATHER." In doing so, she discovered that her lips were even more sensitive than her fingers had been, and she spent the rest of her life reading her great treasure with her lips. Would that every Christian had such an appetite for the Word of God! (As told by Dr John MacArthur)
The French girl was literally “tasting” the Word of God. Peter's point in 1 Peter 2:3 is that in view of the fact that his readers had tasted the kindness of the Lord in causing them to be born again, they should now be motivated to rid themselves of the hindrances that ruin our spiritual appetite so that they might long for proper nourishment found only in the Word and only in which one can attain genuine spiritual growth and maturity. Once you experience the goodness of God’s Word nothing else compares.
There’s very little doubt that Peter was referencing Psalm 34:8, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Read the rest of Psalm 34 today and the blessings that come with faith in Jesus.
Praise God for the ways you have experienced His goodness as a result of your salvation. Ask God to help you remember that nothing compares to Him and His Word leading you through life.
Posted in Growing Up
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