But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. - 2 Peter 3:18 ESV
The Priority of Spiritual Growth
A group of tourists visiting a picturesque village walked by an old man sitting beside a fence. In a rather patronizing way, one tourist asked him, “Were any great men born in this village?” The old man replied, “Nope, only babies.” (Source Unknown)
Every Christian begins as a vulnerable spiritual baby. But “grow” in 2 Peter 3:18 is the counterpart of the "negative" duty of being on guard or taking care in the previous verse. Continuing spiritual growth is the most effective safeguard against giving in to false teaching. The command to grow is a command to continue to grow. You never arrive spiritually and nurturing your relationship with God, daily, is crucial. A healthy plant grows over time and with the seasons. Establishing a good root system fosters good growth. Your relationship with Christ grows over time and over seasons.
1 Peter 2:1-2 says, “So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” What does this passage teach we should get rid of in our lives? What are ways we can long daily for spiritual milk?
Praise God for the ways you have seen your faith grow over time. Ask God to increase your desire to feast on His Word every day.
The Priority of Spiritual Growth
A group of tourists visiting a picturesque village walked by an old man sitting beside a fence. In a rather patronizing way, one tourist asked him, “Were any great men born in this village?” The old man replied, “Nope, only babies.” (Source Unknown)
Every Christian begins as a vulnerable spiritual baby. But “grow” in 2 Peter 3:18 is the counterpart of the "negative" duty of being on guard or taking care in the previous verse. Continuing spiritual growth is the most effective safeguard against giving in to false teaching. The command to grow is a command to continue to grow. You never arrive spiritually and nurturing your relationship with God, daily, is crucial. A healthy plant grows over time and with the seasons. Establishing a good root system fosters good growth. Your relationship with Christ grows over time and over seasons.
1 Peter 2:1-2 says, “So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” What does this passage teach we should get rid of in our lives? What are ways we can long daily for spiritual milk?
Praise God for the ways you have seen your faith grow over time. Ask God to increase your desire to feast on His Word every day.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. - 2 Peter 3:18 ESV
The Parameters of Spiritual Growth
Jim Corley met his friend, Alex, at the dealership where Alex worked. “Jim, I feel like a hypocrite every time I go to church because I fail to live for Christ so often.” “Alex, what do you call this part of the dealership?” Jim asked, nodding to the area outside his cubicle. “You mean the showroom?”
“Yes. And what’s behind the showroom, past the parts counter?” “The service department,” Alex said confidently. “What if I told you I didn’t want to bring my car to the service department because it was running rough,” Jim asked. “That would be crazy! That’s the whole point of service departments—to fix cars that aren’t running right.” “You’re absolutely right,” Jim replied. “Now, let’s get back to our initial conversation. Instead of thinking of church as a showroom where image is everything, start thinking of it as God’s service department. Helping people get back in running order with God is what the church is all about.” (Source: Craig Brian Larson)
Christian growth must also take place in the areas of knowledge and grace. If we are growing in knowledge, we should also be growing in grace. Grace is at the foundation of true Christianity. Every other doctrine of the Christian faith is undergirded by God’s grace. Growth in knowledge calls for studying and applying God’s Word. This leads to becoming more and more like Jesus.
What are some ways you can grow in grace? What are a few ways you can grow in knowledge?
Praise God for sharing with you the importance and awareness of His saving grace. Ask God to continue to grow your understanding of who He is and how He wants you to live.
The Parameters of Spiritual Growth
Jim Corley met his friend, Alex, at the dealership where Alex worked. “Jim, I feel like a hypocrite every time I go to church because I fail to live for Christ so often.” “Alex, what do you call this part of the dealership?” Jim asked, nodding to the area outside his cubicle. “You mean the showroom?”
“Yes. And what’s behind the showroom, past the parts counter?” “The service department,” Alex said confidently. “What if I told you I didn’t want to bring my car to the service department because it was running rough,” Jim asked. “That would be crazy! That’s the whole point of service departments—to fix cars that aren’t running right.” “You’re absolutely right,” Jim replied. “Now, let’s get back to our initial conversation. Instead of thinking of church as a showroom where image is everything, start thinking of it as God’s service department. Helping people get back in running order with God is what the church is all about.” (Source: Craig Brian Larson)
Christian growth must also take place in the areas of knowledge and grace. If we are growing in knowledge, we should also be growing in grace. Grace is at the foundation of true Christianity. Every other doctrine of the Christian faith is undergirded by God’s grace. Growth in knowledge calls for studying and applying God’s Word. This leads to becoming more and more like Jesus.
What are some ways you can grow in grace? What are a few ways you can grow in knowledge?
Praise God for sharing with you the importance and awareness of His saving grace. Ask God to continue to grow your understanding of who He is and how He wants you to live.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. - 2 Peter 3:18 ESV
The Principle of Spiritual Growth
“Between an airplane and every other form of locomotion and transportation, there is one great contrast. The horse and wagon, the automobile, the bicycle, the locomotive, the speedboat, and the great battleship—all can come to a standstill without danger, and they can all reverse their engines, or their power, and go back.
But there is no reverse about the engine of an airplane. It cannot back up. It dare not stand still. If it loses its momentum and forward-drives, then it crashes. The only safety for the airplane is in its forward and upward motion. The only safe direction for the Christian to take is forward and upward. If he stops, or if he begins to slip and go backward, that moment he is in danger.” (C. E. Macartney)
Growing in the Lord means we are growing in obeying and following Jesus. It means that we are moving forward and not sliding backward. Lord also means Jesus has absolute authority and power over your life. A good Christian is not like Hezekiah's sun, which went backwards, nor Joshua's sun that stood still—but is always advancing in holiness, and increasing with the increase of God.
What did you learn about the lordship of Christ in Pastor Jim’s sermon? How have you grown in surrendering to Jesus’ lordship in your life?
Praise Jesus for His power and authority in your life. Ask God to show you any areas of your life where you are moving backward or not following Him as Lord.
The Principle of Spiritual Growth
“Between an airplane and every other form of locomotion and transportation, there is one great contrast. The horse and wagon, the automobile, the bicycle, the locomotive, the speedboat, and the great battleship—all can come to a standstill without danger, and they can all reverse their engines, or their power, and go back.
But there is no reverse about the engine of an airplane. It cannot back up. It dare not stand still. If it loses its momentum and forward-drives, then it crashes. The only safety for the airplane is in its forward and upward motion. The only safe direction for the Christian to take is forward and upward. If he stops, or if he begins to slip and go backward, that moment he is in danger.” (C. E. Macartney)
Growing in the Lord means we are growing in obeying and following Jesus. It means that we are moving forward and not sliding backward. Lord also means Jesus has absolute authority and power over your life. A good Christian is not like Hezekiah's sun, which went backwards, nor Joshua's sun that stood still—but is always advancing in holiness, and increasing with the increase of God.
What did you learn about the lordship of Christ in Pastor Jim’s sermon? How have you grown in surrendering to Jesus’ lordship in your life?
Praise Jesus for His power and authority in your life. Ask God to show you any areas of your life where you are moving backward or not following Him as Lord.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. - 2 Peter 3:18 ESV
The Principle of Spiritual Growth
A young man was eager to grow in His Christian life. He got a piece of paper and made a list of all the things he would do for God. He wrote down the things he would give up, the places he would go to minister, and the areas of ministry he would enter. He was excited. He took that list to the church and put it on the altar.
He thought he would feel joy, but instead, he felt empty. So he went home and started adding to his list. He wrote down more things he would do and wouldn’t do. He took the longer list and put it on the altar, but still, he felt nothing. He went to a wise, old pastor, told him the situation and asked for help. The pastor said, “Take a blank sheet of paper. Sign your name at the bottom. Put that on the altar.” The young man did, and then peace came to his heart. (The Pulling Down of Strongholds, R.B. Ouellette).
Growing in your knowledge of Jesus as Savior is central to the gospel. The reason you need a Savior is that you can’t do enough things on your list to work your way to heaven. There is great joy that comes when you accept Jesus is the only one who can rescue you from the power and penalty of your sin.
What are things you have been tempted to do in order to earn God’s love and acceptance? How would you explain the need for Jesus as Savior to a lost friend or family member?
Praise Jesus for rescuing you from the penalty of your sin by dying on the cross for you. Ask God to fill you with the power of the resurrection to live out the salvation He purchased for you.
The Principle of Spiritual Growth
A young man was eager to grow in His Christian life. He got a piece of paper and made a list of all the things he would do for God. He wrote down the things he would give up, the places he would go to minister, and the areas of ministry he would enter. He was excited. He took that list to the church and put it on the altar.
He thought he would feel joy, but instead, he felt empty. So he went home and started adding to his list. He wrote down more things he would do and wouldn’t do. He took the longer list and put it on the altar, but still, he felt nothing. He went to a wise, old pastor, told him the situation and asked for help. The pastor said, “Take a blank sheet of paper. Sign your name at the bottom. Put that on the altar.” The young man did, and then peace came to his heart. (The Pulling Down of Strongholds, R.B. Ouellette).
Growing in your knowledge of Jesus as Savior is central to the gospel. The reason you need a Savior is that you can’t do enough things on your list to work your way to heaven. There is great joy that comes when you accept Jesus is the only one who can rescue you from the power and penalty of your sin.
What are things you have been tempted to do in order to earn God’s love and acceptance? How would you explain the need for Jesus as Savior to a lost friend or family member?
Praise Jesus for rescuing you from the penalty of your sin by dying on the cross for you. Ask God to fill you with the power of the resurrection to live out the salvation He purchased for you.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. - 2 Peter 3:18 ESV
The Purpose of Spiritual Growth
When Thomas Naylor was teaching business management at Duke University, he asked his students to draft a personal strategic plan. He reports that "with few exceptions, what they wanted fell into three categories: money, power, and things -- very big things, including vacation homes, expensive foreign automobiles, yachts, and even airplanes." This was their request of the faculty: "Teach me how to be a money-making machine." That's not exactly an exalted ambition! No thought of humanitarian service, and no thought of spiritual values! Yet, what those students wanted was what many people want -- maybe what MOST people want. (V.C. Grounds)
The Apostle Peter’s greatest ambition was to bring glory to God. The ultimate purpose of your spiritual growth is to bring glory to Jesus. The ultimate purpose of your existence is to bring glory to Jesus. The more we grow in grace—the more glory we bring to God.
Glorifying God is a sign that you are growing in the right direction. What are some ways you believe you have recently glorified God? What are some areas you would like to give God more glory in?
Praise God for the greatness of His glory! Let 1 Corinthians 10:31 be your prayer today. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
The Purpose of Spiritual Growth
When Thomas Naylor was teaching business management at Duke University, he asked his students to draft a personal strategic plan. He reports that "with few exceptions, what they wanted fell into three categories: money, power, and things -- very big things, including vacation homes, expensive foreign automobiles, yachts, and even airplanes." This was their request of the faculty: "Teach me how to be a money-making machine." That's not exactly an exalted ambition! No thought of humanitarian service, and no thought of spiritual values! Yet, what those students wanted was what many people want -- maybe what MOST people want. (V.C. Grounds)
The Apostle Peter’s greatest ambition was to bring glory to God. The ultimate purpose of your spiritual growth is to bring glory to Jesus. The ultimate purpose of your existence is to bring glory to Jesus. The more we grow in grace—the more glory we bring to God.
Glorifying God is a sign that you are growing in the right direction. What are some ways you believe you have recently glorified God? What are some areas you would like to give God more glory in?
Praise God for the greatness of His glory! Let 1 Corinthians 10:31 be your prayer today. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
Posted in Growing Up
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