Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. –Psalm 125:1 ESV
When We Trust in God, We are Solid and Secure
Two boys were playing in the snow one day; when one said to the other, “Let us see who can make the straightest path in the snow.” His companion readily accepted the proposition, and they started. One boy fixed his eyes on a tree and walked along without taking his eyes off the object selected. The other boy set his eyes on the tree also, and, when he had gone a short distance, he turned, and looked back to see how true his course was. He went a little distance farther, and again turned to look over his steps.
When they arrived at their stopping place, each halted and looked back. One path was true as an arrow, while the other ran in a zigzag course. “How did you get your path so true?” asked the boy who had made the crooked steps.
“Why,” said the other boy, “I just set my eyes on the tree, and kept them there until I got to the end; while you stopped and looked back and wandered out of your course.” (Richard Steele)
As the Jewish pilgrims marched upward toward Jerusalem, their eyes were fixed on Mount Zion. And much like Mount Zion was immovable so too were their lives as long as they trusted in God. They believed that Zion was a particularly strong position but also that it was under divine protection, and was therefore safe.
Psalm 125 is a promise made to those who put their trust in the LORD. We can’t properly put our trust in Him until we remove our trust in other things. Who or what are some of the other things you are tempted to put your trust in for security?
Praise the Lord for the immovable security He gives you. Ask God to show you anything getting in the way of you placing your trust in Him.
When We Trust in God, We are Solid and Secure
Two boys were playing in the snow one day; when one said to the other, “Let us see who can make the straightest path in the snow.” His companion readily accepted the proposition, and they started. One boy fixed his eyes on a tree and walked along without taking his eyes off the object selected. The other boy set his eyes on the tree also, and, when he had gone a short distance, he turned, and looked back to see how true his course was. He went a little distance farther, and again turned to look over his steps.
When they arrived at their stopping place, each halted and looked back. One path was true as an arrow, while the other ran in a zigzag course. “How did you get your path so true?” asked the boy who had made the crooked steps.
“Why,” said the other boy, “I just set my eyes on the tree, and kept them there until I got to the end; while you stopped and looked back and wandered out of your course.” (Richard Steele)
As the Jewish pilgrims marched upward toward Jerusalem, their eyes were fixed on Mount Zion. And much like Mount Zion was immovable so too were their lives as long as they trusted in God. They believed that Zion was a particularly strong position but also that it was under divine protection, and was therefore safe.
Psalm 125 is a promise made to those who put their trust in the LORD. We can’t properly put our trust in Him until we remove our trust in other things. Who or what are some of the other things you are tempted to put your trust in for security?
Praise the Lord for the immovable security He gives you. Ask God to show you anything getting in the way of you placing your trust in Him.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore. – Psalm 125:2 ESV
When We Trust in God, We are Safe and Surrounded
Sixty-eight-year-old Elsie Holdren lost her position as a security guard in August 2010 because she was too courteous. Her superiors wrote, “Due to your caring and giving nature, you are compromising your position as a security officer. Being caring and giving is not a job requirement, nor is it what you are paid to do.” Elsie was transferred to a new position in nearby Melbourne. Most people would not be fired because they are too nice, but because they are not nice enough. (Source Unknown)
God is good and loving but God also keeps His people safe. Jerusalem is surrounded by a series of hills. Those hills reminded the psalmist that they were also surrounded by God’s protection. God’s people can trust that Yahweh will surround and protect them as the mountains surround Jerusalem.
In God's goodness, He places hedges around His followers for protection and blessing. These hedges are like a spiritual fence, wall, or partition. In what ways is having God in your life better than a home security system?
Praise God for His protection that surrounds you. Confess any areas to God where you are not feeling safe and secure. Ask for His comfort and peace.
When We Trust in God, We are Safe and Surrounded
Sixty-eight-year-old Elsie Holdren lost her position as a security guard in August 2010 because she was too courteous. Her superiors wrote, “Due to your caring and giving nature, you are compromising your position as a security officer. Being caring and giving is not a job requirement, nor is it what you are paid to do.” Elsie was transferred to a new position in nearby Melbourne. Most people would not be fired because they are too nice, but because they are not nice enough. (Source Unknown)
God is good and loving but God also keeps His people safe. Jerusalem is surrounded by a series of hills. Those hills reminded the psalmist that they were also surrounded by God’s protection. God’s people can trust that Yahweh will surround and protect them as the mountains surround Jerusalem.
In God's goodness, He places hedges around His followers for protection and blessing. These hedges are like a spiritual fence, wall, or partition. In what ways is having God in your life better than a home security system?
Praise God for His protection that surrounds you. Confess any areas to God where you are not feeling safe and secure. Ask for His comfort and peace.
For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong. – Psalm 125:3 ESV
When We Trust in God, We are Strong and Successful
The story is told about a stagecoach company that was hiring teamsters to drive its stagecoaches through a mountainous area. As drivers were interviewed, the boss asked each applicant, “How close can you drive the team to the edge of the cliff as you round the mountain?” The first fellow replied that he was skilled enough that he could drive the stagecoach within three feet of the edge of the cliff. The boss thanked him for his time and called in the next applicant.
In the course of the interview, the boss asked the next man the same question. He replied that he could drive the team and coach within one foot of the edge of the cliff. He likewise was thanked for his time and the next applicant was called in. The boss asked this fellow the same question. He replied, “I would drive the coach as far from the edge of the cliff as I possibly could.” He got the job!
(Gabriel Ruhl)
Psalm 125:3 encourages Israel to stay as far away from the edge and unrighteousness as possible. In Israel’s history, that “scepter of wickedness” only rested on the land when God’s people were unrighteous and not trusting in Him. This represented the prosperity and rule of the wicked. The Bible assures us the seeming prosperity of sin never lasts.
Another way to say Psalm 125:3 is, “The hard times won’t last so don’t be tempted to do something that you might regret later.” When have you been tempted to sin for temporary pleasure?
Thank God for the strength and success you have from trusting Him. Ask God to keep you from doing wrong and experiencing true failure.
When We Trust in God, We are Strong and Successful
The story is told about a stagecoach company that was hiring teamsters to drive its stagecoaches through a mountainous area. As drivers were interviewed, the boss asked each applicant, “How close can you drive the team to the edge of the cliff as you round the mountain?” The first fellow replied that he was skilled enough that he could drive the stagecoach within three feet of the edge of the cliff. The boss thanked him for his time and called in the next applicant.
In the course of the interview, the boss asked the next man the same question. He replied that he could drive the team and coach within one foot of the edge of the cliff. He likewise was thanked for his time and the next applicant was called in. The boss asked this fellow the same question. He replied, “I would drive the coach as far from the edge of the cliff as I possibly could.” He got the job!
(Gabriel Ruhl)
Psalm 125:3 encourages Israel to stay as far away from the edge and unrighteousness as possible. In Israel’s history, that “scepter of wickedness” only rested on the land when God’s people were unrighteous and not trusting in Him. This represented the prosperity and rule of the wicked. The Bible assures us the seeming prosperity of sin never lasts.
Another way to say Psalm 125:3 is, “The hard times won’t last so don’t be tempted to do something that you might regret later.” When have you been tempted to sin for temporary pleasure?
Thank God for the strength and success you have from trusting Him. Ask God to keep you from doing wrong and experiencing true failure.
Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts! – Psalm 125:4 ESV
When We Trust in God We Are Blessed
One morning R.C. Chapman, a devout Christian, was asked how he was feeling. "I'm burdened this morning!" was his reply. But his happy countenance contradicted his words. So the questioner exclaimed in surprise, "Are you really burdened, Mr. Chapman?" "Yes, but it's a wonderful burden--it's an overabundance of blessings for which I cannot find enough time or words to express my gratitude!" Seeing the puzzled look on the face of his friend, Chapman added with a smile, "I am referring to Psalm 68:19, which fully describes my condition. In that verse the Father in heaven reminds us that He 'daily loads us with benefits.'" (Source Unknown)
Psalm 125:4 is a prayer for the blessings of God. One of the primary features of the Old Covenant God made with the Israelites at Mount Sinai was the principle of blessing their obedience and cursing their disobedience. Here the psalmist asks God to do good to those who do good and who have a good heart.
The amazing greatness of the revelation of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that God did good for those who are not good. We remember that in due time Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6) and God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
Praise God for some of the blessings He has put in your life recently. Ask God to help you to be upright in your heart.
When We Trust in God We Are Blessed
One morning R.C. Chapman, a devout Christian, was asked how he was feeling. "I'm burdened this morning!" was his reply. But his happy countenance contradicted his words. So the questioner exclaimed in surprise, "Are you really burdened, Mr. Chapman?" "Yes, but it's a wonderful burden--it's an overabundance of blessings for which I cannot find enough time or words to express my gratitude!" Seeing the puzzled look on the face of his friend, Chapman added with a smile, "I am referring to Psalm 68:19, which fully describes my condition. In that verse the Father in heaven reminds us that He 'daily loads us with benefits.'" (Source Unknown)
Psalm 125:4 is a prayer for the blessings of God. One of the primary features of the Old Covenant God made with the Israelites at Mount Sinai was the principle of blessing their obedience and cursing their disobedience. Here the psalmist asks God to do good to those who do good and who have a good heart.
The amazing greatness of the revelation of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that God did good for those who are not good. We remember that in due time Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6) and God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
Praise God for some of the blessings He has put in your life recently. Ask God to help you to be upright in your heart.
But those who turn aside to their crooked ways the Lord will lead away with evildoers! Peace be upon Israel! – Psalm 125:5 ESV
When We Trust God We Have Peace
Robert Louis Stevenson tells of a storm that caught a vessel off a rocky coast and threatened to drive it and its passengers to destruction. In the midst of the terror, one daring man, contrary to orders, went to the deck, made a dangerous passage to the pilot house and saw the steerman, lashed fast at his post of holding the wheel unwaveringly, and inch by inch, turning the ship out, once more, to sea. The pilot saw the watcher and smiled. Then, the daring passenger went below and gave out a note of cheer: "I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled. All is well." (Source Unknown)
Psalm 125 ends with a prayer of peace for Israel. Trouble is coming for those who turn away from God but peace is coming for those who look to Him. “Those who turn aside to their crooked ways,” are backsliders who cease to do “good.” Although they are part of those who profess to belong to God their actions do not reflect faith in God. That kind of faith isn’t saving faith and it’s not the type of faith God blesses.
Can you think of a season in your life when you turned away from God and it created a storm? Can you think of a stormy season in your life when looking to God gave you peace?
Praise God for the peace that His presence gives you amid the storm. Ask God to show you any disobedience in your life that is creating unnecessary storms.
When We Trust God We Have Peace
Robert Louis Stevenson tells of a storm that caught a vessel off a rocky coast and threatened to drive it and its passengers to destruction. In the midst of the terror, one daring man, contrary to orders, went to the deck, made a dangerous passage to the pilot house and saw the steerman, lashed fast at his post of holding the wheel unwaveringly, and inch by inch, turning the ship out, once more, to sea. The pilot saw the watcher and smiled. Then, the daring passenger went below and gave out a note of cheer: "I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled. All is well." (Source Unknown)
Psalm 125 ends with a prayer of peace for Israel. Trouble is coming for those who turn away from God but peace is coming for those who look to Him. “Those who turn aside to their crooked ways,” are backsliders who cease to do “good.” Although they are part of those who profess to belong to God their actions do not reflect faith in God. That kind of faith isn’t saving faith and it’s not the type of faith God blesses.
Can you think of a season in your life when you turned away from God and it created a storm? Can you think of a stormy season in your life when looking to God gave you peace?
Praise God for the peace that His presence gives you amid the storm. Ask God to show you any disobedience in your life that is creating unnecessary storms.
Posted in Ascend: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
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