Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” - Mark 1:16-17 ESV
I Have Decided: A Call to Follow
S. I. McMillen, in his book None of These Diseases, tells the story of a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application blank that asked, “Are you a leader?” Being both honest and conscientious, she wrote, “No,” and returned the application, expecting the worst. To her surprise, she received this letter from the college: “Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college will have 1,452 new leaders. We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower.”
In Mark 1, Jesus begins to call followers. The phrase “Follow me,” demands a severing of ties with one’s former life and a rendering of an unconditional commitment to Him. It’s also a picture of two people on the same road and headed in the same direction.
Calling yourself a Christian means you see yourself as a Christ-follower. What are some examples in your life of being on the road with Jesus and following Him?
Praise God for letting you hear Him calling you into a relationship with Him. Ask God to help you live a lifestyle that is following the example and teachings of Jesus.
I Have Decided: A Call to Follow
S. I. McMillen, in his book None of These Diseases, tells the story of a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application blank that asked, “Are you a leader?” Being both honest and conscientious, she wrote, “No,” and returned the application, expecting the worst. To her surprise, she received this letter from the college: “Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college will have 1,452 new leaders. We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower.”
In Mark 1, Jesus begins to call followers. The phrase “Follow me,” demands a severing of ties with one’s former life and a rendering of an unconditional commitment to Him. It’s also a picture of two people on the same road and headed in the same direction.
Calling yourself a Christian means you see yourself as a Christ-follower. What are some examples in your life of being on the road with Jesus and following Him?
Praise God for letting you hear Him calling you into a relationship with Him. Ask God to help you live a lifestyle that is following the example and teachings of Jesus.
Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” - Mark 1:16-17 ESV
I Have Decided: A Call to Fish
Jacob Davis was a tailor with a problem. It was the height of the Gold Rush in the 1800s American West and the gold miners’ work pants kept wearing out. His solution? Davis went to a local dry goods company owned by Levi Strauss, purchased tent cloth, and made work pants from that heavy, sturdy material—and blue jeans were born. Today, denim jeans in a variety of forms (including Levi’s) are among the most popular clothing items in the world, and all because tent material was given a new purpose.
Simon and his friends were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. Then Jesus arrived and called them to follow Him. He gave them a new purpose. No longer would they fish for fish. As Jesus told them, “Come, follow me, . . . and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Our Daily Bread)
Charles Swindoll said of this passage, “We might say of a boy adopting his father’s occupation, ‘He’s following in the footsteps of his father.’” Jesus was going to teach the fishermen how to fish for people like He did. Jesus was going to “make” them fishers of men. Only Jesus could take this rough bunch and turn them into ministers.
The call to fish for the lost is Jesus' call to every believer. Discipleship is following Jesus and evangelism is fishing for men. Discipleship and evangelism belong together. When you are following Jesus you will be fishing for men. Would you say you are following Jesus and fishing for men?
Thank God for the people who came fishing for you and shared the gospel with you. Ask God how He wants to grow you in the area of personal evangelism.
I Have Decided: A Call to Fish
Jacob Davis was a tailor with a problem. It was the height of the Gold Rush in the 1800s American West and the gold miners’ work pants kept wearing out. His solution? Davis went to a local dry goods company owned by Levi Strauss, purchased tent cloth, and made work pants from that heavy, sturdy material—and blue jeans were born. Today, denim jeans in a variety of forms (including Levi’s) are among the most popular clothing items in the world, and all because tent material was given a new purpose.
Simon and his friends were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. Then Jesus arrived and called them to follow Him. He gave them a new purpose. No longer would they fish for fish. As Jesus told them, “Come, follow me, . . . and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Our Daily Bread)
Charles Swindoll said of this passage, “We might say of a boy adopting his father’s occupation, ‘He’s following in the footsteps of his father.’” Jesus was going to teach the fishermen how to fish for people like He did. Jesus was going to “make” them fishers of men. Only Jesus could take this rough bunch and turn them into ministers.
The call to fish for the lost is Jesus' call to every believer. Discipleship is following Jesus and evangelism is fishing for men. Discipleship and evangelism belong together. When you are following Jesus you will be fishing for men. Would you say you are following Jesus and fishing for men?
Thank God for the people who came fishing for you and shared the gospel with you. Ask God how He wants to grow you in the area of personal evangelism.
And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. - Mark 1:18, 20 ESV
I Have Decided: A Call to Leave Something
A famous millionaire died of cancer. Although surrounded by every luxury and receiving every possible care, he died as wretchedly as a pauper. After the funeral, a relative turned to another and said, "How much do you suppose that Harry left?" Back came the reply, "He left everything he had."
Yes, Harry could take not one thing with him. He grasped, saved, cheated, lied, and he stole as he amassed his great fortune. He lived for himself. He left all he had. He faced God without hope or plea. Harry was a poor fool. "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (C. Leslie Miller, in Gospel Herald)
The disciples left everything and gained the world when they left their nets to follow Jesus. When they left their nets, they left their primary stream of income but believed God would provide. Leaving cost them financially and it cost them relationally, but Jesus had a plan to use them to change the world..
What did you learn about the cost of following Jesus from the sermon? Is God asking you to leave anything currently and trust Him?
Thank God that anything we leave for His sake will be replaced by an even greater blessing. Ask God to show you anything that’s in the way of you following Him.
And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. - Mark 1:18, 20 ESV
I Have Decided: A Call to Leave Something
A famous millionaire died of cancer. Although surrounded by every luxury and receiving every possible care, he died as wretchedly as a pauper. After the funeral, a relative turned to another and said, "How much do you suppose that Harry left?" Back came the reply, "He left everything he had."
Yes, Harry could take not one thing with him. He grasped, saved, cheated, lied, and he stole as he amassed his great fortune. He lived for himself. He left all he had. He faced God without hope or plea. Harry was a poor fool. "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (C. Leslie Miller, in Gospel Herald)
The disciples left everything and gained the world when they left their nets to follow Jesus. When they left their nets, they left their primary stream of income but believed God would provide. Leaving cost them financially and it cost them relationally, but Jesus had a plan to use them to change the world..
What did you learn about the cost of following Jesus from the sermon? Is God asking you to leave anything currently and trust Him?
Thank God that anything we leave for His sake will be replaced by an even greater blessing. Ask God to show you anything that’s in the way of you following Him.
And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. - Mark 1:18, 20 ESV
I Have Decided: A Call to Pursue Someone
David Wheeler officiated at a funeral. After the funeral, the attendees filed out of the funeral home and into their waiting cars to form a processional to the cemetery. The hearse led the processional, followed immediately by David the preacher, and then all the deceased’s family and friends. During the drive to the cemetery, David needed to stop at a restroom. So, as the processional came upon an old, abandoned roadside picnic area that included an outhouse, David veered into the picnic area to use the outhouse. He assumed the remainder of the processional would follow the hearse to the cemetery, then he would catch up. He assumed incorrectly. When he emerged from the outhouse, he discovered the long line of cars patiently waiting!
Jesus called the disciples to follow Him and no one else. They were called to commune with Christ because before you can become a fisher of men and before you become a person who draws people to Christ, you must be with Christ. You must learn Christ. You must fellowship with Christ. Jesus does not say "Do this" or "Don't do that" but simply "Come".
Oswald Chambers says "Personal contact with Jesus alters everything." Think of some examples of how following Jesus has changed your life.
Praise God for the invitation to follow Christ and to be changed by Christ. Ask God to grow your understanding and intimacy with Jesus in such a way that it changes you.
And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. - Mark 1:18, 20 ESV
I Have Decided: A Call to Pursue Someone
David Wheeler officiated at a funeral. After the funeral, the attendees filed out of the funeral home and into their waiting cars to form a processional to the cemetery. The hearse led the processional, followed immediately by David the preacher, and then all the deceased’s family and friends. During the drive to the cemetery, David needed to stop at a restroom. So, as the processional came upon an old, abandoned roadside picnic area that included an outhouse, David veered into the picnic area to use the outhouse. He assumed the remainder of the processional would follow the hearse to the cemetery, then he would catch up. He assumed incorrectly. When he emerged from the outhouse, he discovered the long line of cars patiently waiting!
Jesus called the disciples to follow Him and no one else. They were called to commune with Christ because before you can become a fisher of men and before you become a person who draws people to Christ, you must be with Christ. You must learn Christ. You must fellowship with Christ. Jesus does not say "Do this" or "Don't do that" but simply "Come".
Oswald Chambers says "Personal contact with Jesus alters everything." Think of some examples of how following Jesus has changed your life.
Praise God for the invitation to follow Christ and to be changed by Christ. Ask God to grow your understanding and intimacy with Jesus in such a way that it changes you.
And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. - Mark 1:18, 20 ESV
I Have Decided! An Immediate Call
A farmer who wanted to buy a mule asked the seller if the mule was a good worker. The reply was that the mule did a day's work. The next question that was asked was did the mule obey every command. The owner said yes. The farmer asked if they could hitch the mule up to see how he worked. They got the mule into his harness and the farmer took the reigns and told the mule giddy-up. The mule just stood there. The farmer tried a couple of more times and still, the mule didn’t move. He looked at the owner and said, "I thought you told me this mule obeys." "He does," said the owner, who then picked up a 2x4 and hit the mule. He then walked back and said to the farmer, "Try again." The farmer did and the mule obeyed. The owner said, "This mule always obeys, but you have got to get his attention first." (Eugene Morell)
God uses the Holy Spirit to get our attention by convicting us and drawing our hearts to Jesus. In Mark 1, the disciples obeyed immediately when Jesus told them to come and follow Him. Inherent in Jesus' call to come is that the hearer comes now and does not wait nor procrastinate. They could have easily found excuses but chose instead to follow immediately.
The disciples were willing to obey Jesus immediately. Are you willing to obey God right now, no matter what He asks you to do? What might cause you to delay?
Thank God for getting your attention and showing you His love and your need for His mercy and grace. Confess any areas of delayed disobedience in your life and make the change today.
And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. - Mark 1:18, 20 ESV
I Have Decided! An Immediate Call
A farmer who wanted to buy a mule asked the seller if the mule was a good worker. The reply was that the mule did a day's work. The next question that was asked was did the mule obey every command. The owner said yes. The farmer asked if they could hitch the mule up to see how he worked. They got the mule into his harness and the farmer took the reigns and told the mule giddy-up. The mule just stood there. The farmer tried a couple of more times and still, the mule didn’t move. He looked at the owner and said, "I thought you told me this mule obeys." "He does," said the owner, who then picked up a 2x4 and hit the mule. He then walked back and said to the farmer, "Try again." The farmer did and the mule obeyed. The owner said, "This mule always obeys, but you have got to get his attention first." (Eugene Morell)
God uses the Holy Spirit to get our attention by convicting us and drawing our hearts to Jesus. In Mark 1, the disciples obeyed immediately when Jesus told them to come and follow Him. Inherent in Jesus' call to come is that the hearer comes now and does not wait nor procrastinate. They could have easily found excuses but chose instead to follow immediately.
The disciples were willing to obey Jesus immediately. Are you willing to obey God right now, no matter what He asks you to do? What might cause you to delay?
Thank God for getting your attention and showing you His love and your need for His mercy and grace. Confess any areas of delayed disobedience in your life and make the change today.
Posted in The Gospel of Mark: A Journey with Jesus
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